AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
No Matches
BattlegroundMap Class Reference

#include "Map.h"

Inheritance diagram for BattlegroundMap:
Map GridRefMgr< NGridType > RefMgr< TO, FROM > LinkedListHead

Public Member Functions

 BattlegroundMap (uint32 id, uint32 InstanceId, Map *_parent, uint8 spawnMode)
 ~BattlegroundMap () override
bool AddPlayerToMap (Player *) override
void RemovePlayerFromMap (Player *, bool) override
EnterState CannotEnter (Player *player, bool loginCheck=false) override
void SetUnload ()
void RemoveAllPlayers () override
void InitVisibilityDistance () override
BattlegroundGetBG ()
void SetBG (Battleground *bg)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Map
 Map (uint32 id, uint32 InstanceId, uint8 SpawnMode, Map *_parent=nullptr)
 ~Map () override
MapEntry const * GetEntry () const
bool CanUnload (uint32 diff)
virtual bool AddPlayerToMap (Player *)
virtual void RemovePlayerFromMap (Player *, bool)
virtual void AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap ()
template<class T >
bool AddToMap (T *, bool checkTransport=false)
template<class T >
void RemoveFromMap (T *, bool)
void VisitNearbyCellsOf (WorldObject *obj, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &gridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &worldVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &largeGridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &largeWorldVisitor)
void VisitNearbyCellsOfPlayer (Player *player, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &gridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &worldVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &largeGridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &largeWorldVisitor)
virtual void Update (const uint32, const uint32, bool thread=true)
float GetVisibilityRange () const
void SetVisibilityRange (float range)
virtual void InitVisibilityDistance ()
void PlayerRelocation (Player *, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void CreatureRelocation (Creature *creature, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void GameObjectRelocation (GameObject *go, float x, float y, float z, float o)
void DynamicObjectRelocation (DynamicObject *go, float x, float y, float z, float o)
template<class T , class CONTAINER >
void Visit (const Cell &cell, TypeContainerVisitor< T, CONTAINER > &visitor)
bool IsRemovalGrid (float x, float y) const
bool IsGridLoaded (float x, float y) const
void LoadGrid (float x, float y)
void LoadAllCells ()
bool UnloadGrid (NGridType &ngrid)
virtual void UnloadAll ()
uint32 GetId () const
Map const * GetParent () const
std::shared_mutex & GetMMapLock () const
void HandleDelayedVisibility ()
float GetHeight (float x, float y, float z, bool checkVMap=true, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const
float GetGridHeight (float x, float y) const
float GetMinHeight (float x, float y) const
TransportGetTransportForPos (uint32 phase, float x, float y, float z, WorldObject *worldobject=nullptr)
void GetFullTerrainStatusForPosition (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight, PositionFullTerrainStatus &data, uint8 reqLiquidType=MAP_ALL_LIQUIDS)
LiquidData const GetLiquidData (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight, uint8 ReqLiquidType)
bool GetAreaInfo (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, uint32 &mogpflags, int32 &adtId, int32 &rootId, int32 &groupId) const
uint32 GetAreaId (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z) const
uint32 GetZoneId (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z) const
void GetZoneAndAreaId (uint32 phaseMask, uint32 &zoneid, uint32 &areaid, float x, float y, float z) const
float GetWaterLevel (float x, float y) const
bool IsInWater (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight) const
bool IsUnderWater (uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight) const
bool HasEnoughWater (WorldObject const *searcher, float x, float y, float z) const
bool HasEnoughWater (WorldObject const *searcher, LiquidData const &liquidData) const
void MoveAllCreaturesInMoveList ()
void MoveAllGameObjectsInMoveList ()
void MoveAllDynamicObjectsInMoveList ()
void RemoveAllObjectsInRemoveList ()
virtual void RemoveAllPlayers ()
uint32 GetInstanceId () const
uint8 GetSpawnMode () const
virtual EnterState CannotEnter (Player *, bool)
const char * GetMapName () const
Difficulty GetDifficulty () const
bool IsRegularDifficulty () const
MapDifficulty const * GetMapDifficulty () const
bool Instanceable () const
bool IsDungeon () const
bool IsNonRaidDungeon () const
bool IsRaid () const
bool IsRaidOrHeroicDungeon () const
bool IsHeroic () const
bool Is25ManRaid () const
bool IsBattleground () const
bool IsBattleArena () const
bool IsBattlegroundOrArena () const
bool IsWorldMap () const
bool GetEntrancePos (int32 &mapid, float &x, float &y)
void AddObjectToRemoveList (WorldObject *obj)
void AddObjectToSwitchList (WorldObject *obj, bool on)
virtual void DelayedUpdate (const uint32 diff)
void resetMarkedCells ()
bool isCellMarked (uint32 pCellId)
void markCell (uint32 pCellId)
void resetMarkedCellsLarge ()
bool isCellMarkedLarge (uint32 pCellId)
void markCellLarge (uint32 pCellId)
bool HavePlayers () const
uint32 GetPlayersCountExceptGMs () const
void AddWorldObject (WorldObject *obj)
void RemoveWorldObject (WorldObject *obj)
void SendToPlayers (WorldPacket const *data) const
PlayerList const & GetPlayers () const
void ScriptsStart (std::map< uint32, std::multimap< uint32, ScriptInfo > > const &scripts, uint32 id, Object *source, Object *target)
 Put scripts in the execution queue. More...
void ScriptCommandStart (ScriptInfo const &script, uint32 delay, Object *source, Object *target)
template<class T >
void AddToActive (T *obj)
template<class T >
void RemoveFromActive (T *obj)
template<class T >
void SwitchGridContainers (T *obj, bool on)
void UpdateIteratorBack (Player *player)
TempSummonSummonCreature (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, uint32 duration=0, WorldObject *summoner=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0, uint32 vehId=0, bool visibleBySummonerOnly=false)
GameObjectSummonGameObject (uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime, bool checkTransport=true)
GameObjectSummonGameObject (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, float rotation0=0.0f, float rotation1=0.0f, float rotation2=0.0f, float rotation3=0.0f, uint32 respawnTime=100, bool checkTransport=true)
void SummonCreatureGroup (uint8 group, std::list< TempSummon * > *list=nullptr)
CorpseGetCorpse (ObjectGuid const guid)
CreatureGetCreature (ObjectGuid const guid)
GameObjectGetGameObject (ObjectGuid const guid)
TransportGetTransport (ObjectGuid const guid)
DynamicObjectGetDynamicObject (ObjectGuid const guid)
PetGetPet (ObjectGuid const guid)
MapStoredObjectTypesContainerGetObjectsStore ()
CreatureBySpawnIdContainerGetCreatureBySpawnIdStore ()
GameObjectBySpawnIdContainerGetGameObjectBySpawnIdStore ()
std::unordered_set< Corpse * > const * GetCorpsesInCell (uint32 cellId) const
CorpseGetCorpseByPlayer (ObjectGuid const &ownerGuid) const
MapInstancedToMapInstanced ()
MapInstanced const * ToMapInstanced () const
InstanceMapToInstanceMap ()
InstanceMap const * ToInstanceMap () const
BattlegroundMapToBattlegroundMap ()
BattlegroundMap const * ToBattlegroundMap () const
float GetWaterOrGroundLevel (uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, float *ground=nullptr, bool swim=false, float collisionHeight=DEFAULT_COLLISION_HEIGHT) const
float GetHeight (uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, bool vmap=true, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const
bool isInLineOfSight (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, uint32 phasemask, LineOfSightChecks checks, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags) const
bool CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, PathGenerator *path, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const
 Check if a given source can reach a specific point following a path and normalize the coords. Use this method for long paths, otherwise use the overloaded method with the start coords when you need to do a quick check on small segments. More...
bool CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const
 validate the new destination and set reachable coords Check if a given unit can reach a specific point on a segment and set the correct dest coords NOTE: use this method with small segments. More...
bool CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, float startX, float startY, float startZ, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const
bool CheckCollisionAndGetValidCoords (WorldObject const *source, float startX, float startY, float startZ, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true) const
 validate the new destination and set coords Check if a given unit can face collisions in a specific segment More...
void Balance ()
void RemoveGameObjectModel (const GameObjectModel &model)
void InsertGameObjectModel (const GameObjectModel &model)
bool ContainsGameObjectModel (const GameObjectModel &model) const
DynamicMapTree const & GetDynamicMapTree () const
bool GetObjectHitPos (uint32 phasemask, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float &rx, float &ry, float &rz, float modifyDist)
float GetGameObjectFloor (uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const
time_t GetLinkedRespawnTime (ObjectGuid guid) const
time_t GetCreatureRespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) const
time_t GetGORespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) const
void SaveCreatureRespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid, time_t &respawnTime)
void RemoveCreatureRespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid)
void SaveGORespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid, time_t &respawnTime)
void RemoveGORespawnTime (ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid)
void LoadRespawnTimes ()
void DeleteRespawnTimes ()
time_t GetInstanceResetPeriod () const
void ScheduleCreatureRespawn (ObjectGuid, Milliseconds)
void LoadCorpseData ()
void DeleteCorpseData ()
void AddCorpse (Corpse *corpse)
void RemoveCorpse (Corpse *corpse)
CorpseConvertCorpseToBones (ObjectGuid const ownerGuid, bool insignia=false)
void RemoveOldCorpses ()
void SendInitTransports (Player *player)
void SendRemoveTransports (Player *player)
void SendZoneDynamicInfo (Player *player)
void SendInitSelf (Player *player)
void PlayDirectSoundToMap (uint32 soundId, uint32 zoneId=0)
void SetZoneMusic (uint32 zoneId, uint32 musicId)
void SetZoneWeather (uint32 zoneId, WeatherState weatherId, float weatherGrade)
void SetZoneOverrideLight (uint32 zoneId, uint32 lightId, Milliseconds fadeInTime)
void UpdateEncounterState (EncounterCreditType type, uint32 creditEntry, Unit *source)
void LogEncounterFinished (EncounterCreditType type, uint32 creditEntry)
void DoForAllPlayers (std::function< void(Player *)> exec)
GridMapGetGrid (float x, float y)
void EnsureGridCreated (const GridCoord &)
bool AllTransportsEmpty () const
void AllTransportsRemovePassengers ()
TransportsContainer const & GetAllTransports () const
template<HighGuid high>
ObjectGuid::LowType GenerateLowGuid ()
void AddUpdateObject (Object *obj)
void RemoveUpdateObject (Object *obj)
std::size_t GetActiveNonPlayersCount () const
virtual std::string GetDebugInfo () const
void AddToGrid (Creature *obj, Cell const &cell)
void AddToGrid (GameObject *obj, Cell const &cell)
void AddToGrid (DynamicObject *obj, Cell const &cell)
void AddToGrid (Corpse *obj, Cell const &cell)
void SwitchGridContainers (Creature *obj, bool on)
void SwitchGridContainers (GameObject *obj, bool on)
void DeleteFromWorld (Player *player)
void InitializeObject (Creature *)
void InitializeObject (GameObject *)
bool AddToMap (MotionTransport *obj, bool)
void RemoveFromMap (MotionTransport *obj, bool remove)
void AddToActive (Creature *c)
void AddToActive (DynamicObject *d)
void AddToActive (GameObject *d)
void RemoveFromActive (Creature *c)
void RemoveFromActive (DynamicObject *obj)
void RemoveFromActive (GameObject *obj)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GridRefMgr< NGridType >
GridReference< NGridType > * getFirst ()
GridReference< NGridType > * getLast ()
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
iterator rbegin ()
iterator rend ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from RefMgr< TO, FROM >
 RefMgr ()=default
virtual ~RefMgr ()
Reference< TO, FROM > * getFirst ()
Reference< TO, FROM > const * getFirst () const
Reference< TO, FROM > * getLast ()
Reference< TO, FROM > const * getLast () const
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()
iterator rbegin ()
iterator rend ()
void clearReferences ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from LinkedListHead
 LinkedListHead ()
bool IsEmpty () const
LinkedListElementgetFirst ()
LinkedListElement const * getFirst () const
LinkedListElementgetLast ()
LinkedListElement const * getLast () const
void insertFirst (LinkedListElement *pElem)
void insertLast (LinkedListElement *pElem)
uint32 getSize () const
void incSize ()
void decSize ()

Private Attributes


Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Map
enum  EnterState {
  CAN_ENTER = 0 ,
typedef MapRefMgr PlayerList
typedef std::unordered_multimap< ObjectGuid::LowType, Creature * > CreatureBySpawnIdContainer
typedef std::unordered_multimap< ObjectGuid::LowType, GameObject * > GameObjectBySpawnIdContainer
- Public Types inherited from GridRefMgr< NGridType >
typedef LinkedListHead::Iterator< GridReference< NGridType > > iterator
- Public Types inherited from RefMgr< TO, FROM >
typedef LinkedListHead::Iterator< Reference< TO, FROM > > iterator
- Public Types inherited from LinkedListHead
typedef Iterator< LinkedListElementiterator
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Map
static bool ExistMap (uint32 mapid, int gx, int gy)
static bool ExistVMap (uint32 mapid, int gx, int gy)
static void DeleteRespawnTimesInDB (uint16 mapId, uint32 instanceId)
- Public Attributes inherited from Map
std::unordered_set< Unit * > i_objectsForDelayedVisibility
CreatureGroupHolderType CreatureGroupHolder
TaskScheduler _creatureRespawnScheduler
DataMap CustomData
- Protected Types inherited from Map
typedef std::set< WorldObject * > ActiveNonPlayers
- Protected Attributes inherited from Map
std::mutex Lock
std::mutex GridLock
std::shared_mutex MMapLock
MapEntry const * i_mapEntry
uint8 i_spawnMode
uint32 i_InstanceId
uint32 m_unloadTimer
float m_VisibleDistance
DynamicMapTree _dynamicTree
time_t _instanceResetPeriod
MapRefMgr m_mapRefMgr
MapRefMgr::iterator m_mapRefIter
ActiveNonPlayers m_activeNonPlayers
ActiveNonPlayers::iterator m_activeNonPlayersIter
TransportsContainer _transports
TransportsContainer::iterator _transportsUpdateIter

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BattlegroundMap()

BattlegroundMap::BattlegroundMap ( uint32  id,
uint32  InstanceId,
Map _parent,
uint8  spawnMode 
3232 : Map(id, InstanceId, spawnMode, _parent), m_bg(nullptr)
3234 //lets initialize visibility distance for BG/Arenas
Definition: Map.h:313
Battleground * m_bg
Definition: Map.h:869
void InitVisibilityDistance() override
Definition: Map.cpp:3248

References InitVisibilityDistance().

◆ ~BattlegroundMap()

BattlegroundMap::~BattlegroundMap ( )
3240 if (m_bg)
3241 {
3242 //unlink to prevent crash, always unlink all pointer reference before destruction
3243 m_bg->SetBgMap(nullptr);
3244 m_bg = nullptr;
3245 }
void SetBgMap(BattlegroundMap *map)
Definition: Battleground.h:431

References m_bg, and Battleground::SetBgMap().

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddPlayerToMap()

bool BattlegroundMap::AddPlayerToMap ( Player player)

Reimplemented from Map.

3276 player->m_InstanceValid = true;
3277 if (IsBattleArena())
3278 player->CastSpell(player, 100102, true);
3279 return Map::AddPlayerToMap(player);
bool m_InstanceValid
Definition: Player.h:2416
SpellCastResult CastSpell(SpellCastTargets const &targets, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, CustomSpellValues const *value, TriggerCastFlags triggerFlags=TRIGGERED_NONE, Item *castItem=nullptr, AuraEffect const *triggeredByAura=nullptr, ObjectGuid originalCaster=ObjectGuid::Empty)
Definition: Unit.cpp:1168
virtual bool AddPlayerToMap(Player *)
Definition: Map.cpp:504
bool IsBattleArena() const
Definition: Map.h:455

References Map::AddPlayerToMap(), Unit::CastSpell(), Map::IsBattleArena(), and Player::m_InstanceValid.

◆ CannotEnter()

Map::EnterState BattlegroundMap::CannotEnter ( Player player,
bool  loginCheck = false 

Reimplemented from Map.

3259 if (!loginCheck && player->GetMapRef().getTarget() == this)
3260 {
3261 LOG_ERROR("maps", "BGMap::CanEnter - player {} is already in map!", player->GetGUID().ToString());
3262 ABORT();
3264 }
3266 if (player->GetBattlegroundId() != GetInstanceId())
3269 // pussywizard: no need to check player limit here, invitations are limited by Battleground::GetFreeSlotsForTeam
3271 return Map::CannotEnter(player, loginCheck);
#define LOG_ERROR(filterType__,...)
Definition: Log.h:156
#define ABORT
Definition: Errors.h:76
TO * getTarget() const
Definition: Reference.h:95
static ObjectGuid GetGUID(Object const *o)
Definition: Object.h:109
std::string ToString() const
Definition: ObjectGuid.cpp:47
MapReference & GetMapRef()
Definition: Player.h:2471
uint32 GetBattlegroundId() const
Definition: Player.h:2234
virtual EnterState CannotEnter(Player *, bool)
Definition: Map.h:438
uint32 GetInstanceId() const
Definition: Map.h:419
Definition: Map.h:425
Definition: Map.h:431

References ABORT, Map::CANNOT_ENTER_ALREADY_IN_MAP, Map::CANNOT_ENTER_INSTANCE_BIND_MISMATCH, Map::CannotEnter(), Player::GetBattlegroundId(), Object::GetGUID(), Map::GetInstanceId(), Player::GetMapRef(), Reference< TO, FROM >::getTarget(), LOG_ERROR, and ObjectGuid::ToString().

◆ GetBG()

◆ InitVisibilityDistance()

void BattlegroundMap::InitVisibilityDistance ( )

Reimplemented from Map.

3250 //init visibility distance for BG/Arenas
3253 if (IsBattleArena()) // pussywizard: start with 30yd visibility range on arenas to ensure players can't get informations about the opponents in any way
3254 m_VisibleDistance = 30.0f;
float m_VisibleDistance
Definition: Map.h:712
static float GetMaxVisibleDistanceInBGArenas()
Definition: World.h:318

References World::GetMaxVisibleDistanceInBGArenas(), Map::IsBattleArena(), and Map::m_VisibleDistance.

Referenced by BattlegroundMap().

◆ RemoveAllPlayers()

void BattlegroundMap::RemoveAllPlayers ( )

Reimplemented from Map.

3302 if (HavePlayers())
3303 for (MapRefMgr::iterator itr = m_mapRefMgr.begin(); itr != m_mapRefMgr.end(); ++itr)
3304 if (Player* player = itr->GetSource())
3305 if (!player->IsBeingTeleportedFar())
3306 player->TeleportTo(player->GetEntryPoint());
Definition: Player.h:1064
MapRefMgr m_mapRefMgr
Definition: Map.h:716
bool HavePlayers() const
Definition: Map.h:477
iterator begin()
Definition: MapRefMgr.h:36
iterator end()
Definition: MapRefMgr.h:37

References MapRefMgr::begin(), MapRefMgr::end(), Map::HavePlayers(), and Map::m_mapRefMgr.

◆ RemovePlayerFromMap()

void BattlegroundMap::RemovePlayerFromMap ( Player player,
bool  remove 

Reimplemented from Map.

3284 if (Battleground* bg = GetBG())
3285 {
3286 bg->RemovePlayerAtLeave(player);
3287 if (IsBattleArena())
3288 bg->RemoveSpectator(player);
3289 }
3290 if (IsBattleArena())
3291 player->RemoveAura(100102);
3292 Map::RemovePlayerFromMap(player, remove);
Definition: Battleground.h:298
void RemoveAura(AuraApplicationMap::iterator &i, AuraRemoveMode mode=AURA_REMOVE_BY_DEFAULT)
Definition: Unit.cpp:4758
virtual void RemovePlayerFromMap(Player *, bool)
Definition: Map.cpp:911
Battleground * GetBG()
Definition: Map.h:866

References GetBG(), Map::IsBattleArena(), Unit::RemoveAura(), and Map::RemovePlayerFromMap().

◆ SetBG()

void BattlegroundMap::SetBG ( Battleground bg)
867{ m_bg = bg; }

References m_bg.

Referenced by MapInstanced::CreateBattleground(), and Battleground::~Battleground().

◆ SetUnload()

void BattlegroundMap::SetUnload ( )
Definition: Map.h:168
uint32 m_unloadTimer
Definition: Map.h:711

References Map::m_unloadTimer, and MIN_UNLOAD_DELAY.

Referenced by Battleground::~Battleground().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bg

Battleground* BattlegroundMap::m_bg

Referenced by GetBG(), SetBG(), and ~BattlegroundMap().