AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
Public Member Functions | |
boss_sindragosaAI (Creature *creature) | |
void | Reset () override |
void | MoveInLineOfSight (Unit *who) override |
void | JustDied (Unit *) override |
void | JustEngagedWith (Unit *who) override |
Called for reaction when initially engaged. More... | |
bool | CanAIAttack (Unit const *target) const override |
void | EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why) override |
void | KilledUnit (Unit *victim) override |
void | DoAction (int32 action) override |
uint32 | GetData (uint32 type) const override |
void | MovementInform (uint32 type, uint32 point) override |
void | DamageTaken (Unit *, uint32 &damage, DamageEffectType, SpellSchoolMask) override |
Called at any Damage from any attacker (before damage apply) More... | |
void | JustSummoned (Creature *summon) override |
void | SummonedCreatureDespawn (Creature *summon) override |
void | SpellHitTarget (Unit *target, SpellInfo const *spell) override |
void | UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override |
Use to start attacking a target. Called just before JustEngagedWith() More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from BossAI | |
BossAI (Creature *creature, uint32 bossId) | |
~BossAI () override | |
bool | CanRespawn () override |
void | DamageTaken (Unit *attacker, uint32 &damage, DamageEffectType damagetype, SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask) override |
Called at any Damage from any attacker (before damage apply) More... | |
void | JustSummoned (Creature *summon) override |
void | SummonedCreatureDespawn (Creature *summon) override |
void | SummonedCreatureDespawnAll () override |
void | UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override |
Use to start attacking a target. Called just before JustEngagedWith() More... | |
void | ScheduleHealthCheckEvent (uint32 healthPct, std::function< void()> exec) |
Executes a function once the creature reaches the defined health point percent. More... | |
void | ScheduleHealthCheckEvent (std::initializer_list< uint8 > healthPct, std::function< void()> exec) |
virtual void | ExecuteEvent (uint32) |
virtual void | ScheduleTasks () |
void | Reset () override |
void | JustEngagedWith (Unit *) override |
Called for reaction when initially engaged. More... | |
void | EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EVADE_REASON_OTHER) override |
void | JustDied (Unit *) override |
void | JustReachedHome () override |
Public Member Functions inherited from ScriptedAI | |
ScriptedAI (Creature *creature) | |
~ScriptedAI () override | |
void | AttackStartNoMove (Unit *target) |
void | DamageTaken (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType, SpellSchoolMask) override |
Called at any Damage from any attacker (before damage apply) More... | |
void | UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override |
Use to start attacking a target. Called just before JustEngagedWith() More... | |
void | JustDied (Unit *) override |
void | KilledUnit (Unit *) override |
void | JustSummoned (Creature *) override |
void | SummonedCreatureDespawn (Creature *) override |
void | SpellHit (Unit *, SpellInfo const *) override |
void | SpellHitTarget (Unit *, SpellInfo const *) override |
void | MovementInform (uint32, uint32) override |
void | OnPossess (bool) |
bool | IsInRoom (const Position *pos, Axis axis, bool above) |
void | Reset () override |
void | JustEngagedWith (Unit *) override |
Called for reaction when initially engaged. More... | |
void | AttackStart (Unit *) override |
void | DoStartMovement (Unit *target, float distance=0.0f, float angle=0.0f) |
void | DoStartNoMovement (Unit *target) |
void | DoStopAttack () |
void | DoCastSpell (Unit *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo, bool triggered=false) |
void | DoPlaySoundToSet (WorldObject *source, uint32 soundId) |
void | DoPlayMusic (uint32 soundId, bool zone) |
void | DoAddThreat (Unit *unit, float amount) |
void | DoModifyThreatByPercent (Unit *unit, int32 pct) |
void | DoResetThreat (Unit *unit) |
void | DoResetThreatList () |
float | DoGetThreat (Unit *unit) |
void | DoTeleportPlayer (Unit *unit, float x, float y, float z, float o) |
void | DoTeleportPlayer (Unit *unit, Position pos) |
void | DoTeleportAll (float x, float y, float z, float o) |
Unit * | DoSelectLowestHpFriendly (float range, uint32 minHPDiff=1) |
std::list< Creature * > | DoFindFriendlyCC (float range) |
std::list< Creature * > | DoFindFriendlyMissingBuff (float range, uint32 spellId) |
Player * | GetPlayerAtMinimumRange (float minRange) |
Creature * | DoSpawnCreature (uint32 entry, float offsetX, float offsetY, float offsetZ, float angle, uint32 type, uint32 despawntime) |
bool | IsUniqueTimedEventDone (uint32 id) const |
void | SetUniqueTimedEventDone (uint32 id) |
void | ResetUniqueTimedEvent (uint32 id) |
void | ClearUniqueTimedEventsDone () |
void | ScheduleTimedEvent (Milliseconds timerMin, Milliseconds timerMax, std::function< void()> exec, Milliseconds repeatMin, Milliseconds repeatMax=0s, uint32 uniqueId=0) |
void | ScheduleTimedEvent (Milliseconds timerMax, std::function< void()> exec, Milliseconds repeatMin, Milliseconds repeatMax=0s, uint32 uniqueId=0) |
void | ScheduleUniqueTimedEvent (Milliseconds timer, std::function< void()> exec, uint32 uniqueId) |
bool | HealthBelowPct (uint32 pct) const |
bool | HealthAbovePct (uint32 pct) const |
SpellInfo const * | SelectSpell (Unit *target, uint32 school, uint32 mechanic, SelectTargetType targets, uint32 powerCostMin, uint32 powerCostMax, float rangeMin, float rangeMax, SelectEffect effect) |
void | SetEquipmentSlots (bool loadDefault, int32 mainHand=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE, int32 offHand=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE, int32 ranged=EQUIP_NO_CHANGE) |
virtual bool | CheckEvadeIfOutOfCombatArea () const |
bool | IsHeroic () const |
Difficulty | GetDifficulty () const |
bool | Is25ManRaid () const |
template<class T > | |
const T & | DUNGEON_MODE (const T &normal5, const T &heroic10) const |
template<class T > | |
const T & | RAID_MODE (const T &normal10, const T &normal25) const |
template<class T > | |
const T & | RAID_MODE (const T &normal10, const T &normal25, const T &heroic10, const T &heroic25) const |
Player * | SelectTargetFromPlayerList (float maxdist, uint32 excludeAura=0, bool mustBeInLOS=false) const |
void | SetInvincibility (bool apply) |
bool | IsInvincible () const |
void | SetAutoAttackAllowed (bool allow) |
bool | IsAutoAttackAllowed () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI | |
void | Talk (uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr, Milliseconds delay=0s) |
Causes the creature to talk/say the text assigned to their entry in the creature_text database table. More... | |
void | Talk (uint8 id, Milliseconds delay) |
WorldObject * | GetSummoner () const |
Returns the summoner creature/object, if the creature is a temporary summon. More... | |
CreatureAI (Creature *creature) | |
~CreatureAI () override | |
void | MoveCircleChecks () |
void | MoveBackwardsChecks () |
void | MoveInLineOfSight_Safe (Unit *who) |
== Reactions At ================================= More... | |
void | TriggerAlert (Unit const *who) const |
virtual bool | CanRespawn () |
virtual void | EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EVADE_REASON_OTHER) |
virtual void | JustEngagedWith (Unit *) |
Called for reaction when initially engaged. More... | |
virtual void | JustDied (Unit *) |
virtual void | KilledUnit (Unit *) |
virtual void | JustSummoned (Creature *) |
virtual void | IsSummonedBy (WorldObject *) |
virtual void | SummonedCreatureDespawn (Creature *) |
virtual void | SummonedCreatureDies (Creature *, Unit *) |
virtual void | SummonedCreatureDespawnAll () |
virtual void | SummonedCreatureEvade (Creature *) |
virtual void | SpellHit (Unit *, SpellInfo const *) |
virtual void | SpellHitTarget (Unit *, SpellInfo const *) |
virtual void | AttackedBy (Unit *) |
virtual bool | IsEscorted () |
virtual void | JustRespawned () |
virtual void | MovementInform (uint32, uint32) |
virtual void | PathEndReached (uint32) |
void | OnCharmed (bool apply) override |
Called when unit is charmed. More... | |
virtual void | JustReachedHome () |
void | DoZoneInCombat (Creature *creature=nullptr, float maxRangeToNearestTarget=250.0f) |
virtual void | ReceiveEmote (Player *, uint32) |
virtual void | OwnerAttackedBy (Unit *) |
virtual void | OwnerAttacked (Unit *) |
virtual void | CorpseRemoved (uint32 &) |
== Triggered Actions Requested ================== More... | |
virtual void | PassengerBoarded (Unit *, int8, bool) |
== Fields ======================================= More... | |
virtual bool | BeforeSpellClick (Unit *) |
virtual void | OnSpellClick (Unit *, bool &) |
virtual bool | CanSeeAlways (WorldObject const *) |
virtual bool | CanBeSeen (Player const *) |
virtual bool | CanAlwaysBeDetectable (WorldObject const *) |
virtual void | PetStopAttack () |
virtual bool | CheckInRoom () |
CreatureBoundary const * | GetBoundary () const |
void | SetBoundary (CreatureBoundary const *boundary, bool negativeBoundaries=false) |
bool | IsInBoundary (Position const *who=nullptr) const |
virtual void | CalculateThreat (Unit *, float &, SpellInfo const *) |
virtual bool | OnTeleportUnreacheablePlayer (Player *) |
virtual void | OnAuraRemove (AuraApplication *, AuraRemoveMode) |
Public Member Functions inherited from UnitAI | |
UnitAI (Unit *unit) | |
virtual | ~UnitAI () |
virtual bool | CanAIAttack (Unit const *) const |
virtual void | AttackStart (Unit *) |
virtual void | UpdateAI (uint32)=0 |
Use to start attacking a target. Called just before JustEngagedWith() More... | |
virtual void | InitializeAI () |
virtual void | Reset () |
virtual void | OnCharmed (bool apply)=0 |
Called when unit is charmed. More... | |
virtual void | DoAction (int32) |
virtual uint32 | GetData (uint32) const |
virtual void | SetData (uint32, uint32) |
virtual void | SetGUID (ObjectGuid, int32=0) |
virtual ObjectGuid | GetGUID (int32=0) const |
Unit * | SelectTarget (SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0) |
template<class PREDICATE > | |
Unit * | SelectTarget (SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position, PREDICATE const &predicate) |
void | SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0) |
Select the best (up to) <num> targets (in <targetType> order) from the threat list that fulfill the following: More... | |
template<class PREDICATE > | |
void | SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position, PREDICATE const &predicate) |
virtual void | JustEnteredCombat (Unit *) |
Called when the unit enters combat. More... | |
virtual void | JustExitedCombat () |
Called when the unit leaves combat. More... | |
virtual void | DamageDealt (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType) |
Called at any Damage to any victim (before damage apply) More... | |
virtual void | DamageTaken (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType, SpellSchoolMask) |
Called at any Damage from any attacker (before damage apply) More... | |
virtual void | HealReceived (Unit *, uint32 &) |
Called when the creature receives heal. More... | |
virtual void | OnPowerUpdate (Powers, int32, int32, uint32) |
Called when the creature power updates. More... | |
virtual void | HealDone (Unit *, uint32 &) |
Called when the unit heals. More... | |
virtual void | OnCalculateMeleeDamageReceived (uint32 &, Unit *) |
Called during damage calculations. More... | |
virtual void | OnCalculateSpellDamageReceived (int32 &, Unit *) |
virtual void | OnCalculatePeriodicTickReceived (uint32 &, Unit *) |
Called during calculation when receiving periodic healing or damage (DoT or HoT) More... | |
void | AttackStartCaster (Unit *victim, float dist) |
SpellCastResult | DoAddAuraToAllHostilePlayers (uint32 spellid) |
SpellCastResult | DoCast (uint32 spellId) |
SpellCastResult | DoCast (Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastSelf (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastToAllHostilePlayers (uint32 spellid, bool triggered=false) |
To specify the caster as target if the spell is self-cast. More... | |
SpellCastResult | DoCastVictim (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastAOE (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastRandomTarget (uint32 spellId, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=true, bool triggered=false, bool withTank=true) |
Cast the spell on a random unit from the threat list. More... | |
SpellCastResult | DoCastMaxThreat (uint32 spellId, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=true, bool triggered=false) |
Cast spell on the top threat target, which may not be the current victim. More... | |
float | DoGetSpellMaxRange (uint32 spellId, bool positive=false) |
void | DoMeleeAttackIfReady () |
bool | DoSpellAttackIfReady (uint32 spell) |
void | DoSpellAttackToRandomTargetIfReady (uint32 spell, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.f, bool playerOnly=true) |
virtual void | SummonMovementInform (Creature *, uint32, uint32) |
Called when a summon reaches a waypoint or point movement finished. More... | |
virtual void | sGossipHello (Player *) |
virtual void | sGossipSelect (Player *, uint32, uint32) |
virtual void | sGossipSelectCode (Player *, uint32, uint32, char const *) |
virtual void | sQuestAccept (Player *, Quest const *) |
virtual void | sQuestSelect (Player *, Quest const *) |
virtual void | sQuestComplete (Player *, Quest const *) |
virtual void | sQuestReward (Player *, Quest const *, uint32) |
virtual void | sOnGameEvent (bool, uint16) |
virtual std::string | GetDebugInfo () const |
Private Attributes | |
uint8 | _bombCount |
uint8 | _mysticBuffetStack |
bool | _isBelow20Pct |
bool | _isThirdPhase |
bool | _isInAirPhase |
bool | _isLanding |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Public Types inherited from ScriptedAI | |
enum class | Axis { AXIS_X , AXIS_Y } |
Public Types inherited from CreatureAI | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI | |
static bool | IsInBounds (CreatureBoundary const &boundary, Position const *who) |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from UnitAI | |
static void | FillAISpellInfo () |
Public Attributes inherited from BossAI | |
float | callForHelpRange |
InstanceScript *const | instance |
Public Attributes inherited from ScriptedAI | |
Creature * | me |
Static Public Attributes inherited from UnitAI | |
static AISpellInfoType * | AISpellInfo |
Protected Member Functions inherited from BossAI | |
void | _Reset () |
void | _JustEngagedWith () |
void | _JustDied () |
void | _JustReachedHome () |
void | _EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EVADE_REASON_OTHER) |
void | TeleportCheaters () |
Protected Member Functions inherited from CreatureAI | |
bool | UpdateVictim () |
bool | UpdateVictimWithGaze () |
void | SetGazeOn (Unit *target) |
Creature * | DoSummon (uint32 entry, Position const &pos, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN) |
Creature * | DoSummon (uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float radius=5.0f, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN) |
Creature * | DoSummonFlyer (uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float flightZ, float radius=5.0f, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN) |
virtual void | MoveInLineOfSight (Unit *) |
bool | _EnterEvadeMode (EvadeReason why=EVADE_REASON_OTHER) |
Protected Attributes inherited from BossAI | |
SummonList | summons |
Protected Attributes inherited from CreatureAI | |
Creature *const | me |
EventMap | events |
TaskScheduler | scheduler |
CreatureBoundary const * | _boundary |
bool | _negateBoundary |
Protected Attributes inherited from UnitAI | |
Unit *const | me |
inline |
References Unit::ApplySpellImmune(), IMMUNITY_STATE, ScriptedAI::me, and SPELL_AURA_HASTE_SPELLS.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from UnitAI.
References Object::GetEntry(), Unit::IsVisible(), ScriptedAI::me, and NPC_CROK_SCOURGEBANE.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Called at any Damage from any attacker (before damage apply)
Reimplemented from BossAI.
References _isBelow20Pct, _isThirdPhase, DATA_WEEKLY_QUEST_ID, EMOTE_WEAKENING, EVENT_AIR_PHASE, EVENT_THIRD_PHASE_CHECK, ZoneScript::GetData(), ScriptedAI::HealthAbovePct(), BossAI::instance, Creature::IsInEvadeMode(), ScriptedAI::me, and QUEST_RESPITE_FOR_A_TORMENTED_SOUL_10.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from UnitAI.
References _isLanding, ACTION_START_FROSTWYRM, EventProcessor::AddEvent(), EventProcessor::CalculateTime(), DATA_SINDRAGOSA_INTRO, UnitAI::DoCastAOE(), ZoneScript::GetData(), Position::GetExactDist(), Unit::GetMotionMaster(), Unit::GetSpeed(), BossAI::instance, Unit::isDead(), WorldObject::m_Events, ScriptedAI::me, MOVE_RUN, MotionMaster::MovePoint(), POINT_FROSTWYRM_FLY_IN, WorldObject::setActive(), Creature::SetDisableGravity(), Unit::SetSpeed(), Unit::SetUnitFlag(), SindragosaFlyInPos, SindragosaLandPos, SPELL_SINDRAGOSA_S_FURY, TEMPSUMMON_DEAD_DESPAWN, Unit::ToTempSummon(), and UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from BossAI.
References DATA_SINDRAGOSA, BossAI::EnterEvadeMode(), FAIL, BossAI::instance, and InstanceScript::SetBossState().
Referenced by JustEngagedWith().
Reimplemented from UnitAI.
References _mysticBuffetStack, and DATA_MYSTIC_BUFFET_STACK.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from BossAI.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Called for reaction when initially engaged.
Reimplemented from BossAI.
References _bombCount, _isBelow20Pct, _isThirdPhase, _mysticBuffetStack, Unit::CastSpell(), InstanceScript::CheckRequiredBosses(), DATA_SINDRAGOSA, SummonList::DespawnAll(), InstanceScript::DoCastSpellOnPlayers(), EnterEvadeMode(), CreatureAI::EVADE_REASON_OTHER, EVENT_AIR_PHASE, EVENT_BERSERK, EVENT_CLEAVE, EVENT_FROST_BREATH, EVENT_GROUP_LAND_PHASE, EVENT_ICY_GRIP, EVENT_TAIL_SMASH, EVENT_UNCHAINED_MAGIC, IN_PROGRESS, BossAI::instance, Unit::IsVisible(), LIGHT_S_HAMMER_TELEPORT, ScriptedAI::me, SAY_AGGRO, WorldObject::setActive(), InstanceScript::SetBossState(), Creature::SetInCombatWithZone(), SPELL_FROST_AURA, SPELL_PERMAEATING_CHILL, BossAI::summons, and Object::ToPlayer().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from BossAI.
References EventProcessor::AddEvent(), EventProcessor::CalculateTime(), Object::GetEntry(), Object::GetGUID(), WorldObject::m_Events, ScriptedAI::me, NPC_FROST_BOMB, SummonList::Summon(), and BossAI::summons.
inlineoverridevirtual |
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from CreatureAI.
References Unit::HasUnitMovementFlag(), ScriptedAI::me, CreatureAI::MoveInLineOfSight(), and MOVEMENTFLAG_CAN_FLY.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from ScriptedAI.
References _bombCount, _isInAirPhase, ScriptedAI::AttackStart(), Unit::CastCustomSpell(), EFFECT_MOTION_TYPE, EVENT_AIR_MOVEMENT, EVENT_AIR_MOVEMENT_FAR, EVENT_FROST_BOMB, EVENT_LAND_GROUND, Creature::GetCreatureTemplate(), ScriptedAI::me, MOVE_RUN, POINT_AIR_PHASE, POINT_AIR_PHASE_FAR, POINT_FROSTWYRM_LAND, POINT_LAND, POINT_LAND_GROUND, POINT_MOTION_TYPE, POINT_TAKEOFF, REACT_AGGRESSIVE, Unit::RemoveUnitFlag(), Creature::SelectVictim(), WorldObject::setActive(), Creature::SetDisableGravity(), Unit::SetFacingTo(), Creature::SetHomePosition(), Creature::SetInCombatWithZone(), Creature::SetReactState(), Unit::SetSpeed(), SindragosaLandPos, CreatureTemplate::speed_run, SPELL_ICE_TOMB_TARGET, SPELLVALUE_MAX_TARGETS, and UNIT_FLAG_NON_ATTACKABLE.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from BossAI.
References _bombCount, _isBelow20Pct, _isLanding, _isThirdPhase, _mysticBuffetStack, BossAI::_Reset(), Unit::CastSpell(), Creature::GetCreatureTemplate(), ScriptedAI::me, MOVE_RUN, REACT_AGGRESSIVE, Creature::SetReactState(), Unit::SetSpeed(), CreatureTemplate::speed_run, and SPELL_TANK_MARKER.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from ScriptedAI.
References _mysticBuffetStack, Unit::GetAura(), SpellInfo::Id, Object::IsPlayer(), ScriptedAI::me, and sSpellMgr.
inlineoverridevirtual |
Reimplemented from BossAI.
References Creature::AI(), Object::GetEntry(), CreatureAI::JustDied(), NPC_ICE_TOMB, and BossAI::SummonedCreatureDespawn().
inlineoverridevirtual |
Use to start attacking a target. Called just before JustEngagedWith()
Reimplemented from BossAI.
References _bombCount, _isInAirPhase, _isThirdPhase, Unit::AttackStop(), Unit::CastSpell(), Unit::DisableRotate(), UnitAI::DoMeleeAttackIfReady(), EMOTE_BERSERK_RAID, EMOTE_WARN_BLISTERING_COLD, EMOTE_WARN_FROZEN_ORB, EVENT_AIR_MOVEMENT, EVENT_AIR_MOVEMENT_FAR, EVENT_AIR_PHASE, EVENT_BERSERK, EVENT_BLISTERING_COLD, EVENT_BLISTERING_COLD_YELL, EVENT_CLEAVE, EVENT_FROST_BOMB, EVENT_FROST_BREATH, EVENT_GROUP_LAND_PHASE, EVENT_ICE_TOMB, EVENT_ICY_GRIP, EVENT_LAND, EVENT_LAND_GROUND, EVENT_TAIL_SMASH, EVENT_THIRD_PHASE_CHECK, EVENT_UNCHAINED_MAGIC, EVENT_UNROOT, MotionMaster::GetCurrentMovementGeneratorType(), WorldObject::GetGameObjectListWithEntryInGrid(), Unit::GetMotionMaster(), Position::GetPositionX(), Position::GetPositionY(), Position::GetPositionZ(), Unit::GetSpeed(), Unit::GetVictim(), GO_ICE_BLOCK, Unit::HasUnitState(), WorldObject::IsWithinLOSInMap(), Unit::IsWithinMeleeRange(), ScriptedAI::me, MOVE_RUN, MotionMaster::MoveCharge(), MotionMaster::MoveIdle(), MotionMaster::MoveLand(), MotionMaster::MovePoint(), MotionMaster::MoveTakeoff(), POINT_AIR_PHASE, POINT_AIR_PHASE_FAR, POINT_CHASE_VICTIM, POINT_LAND, POINT_LAND_GROUND, POINT_MOTION_TYPE, POINT_TAKEOFF, rand_norm(), REACT_PASSIVE, SAY_AIR_PHASE, SAY_BERSERK, SAY_BLISTERING_COLD, SAY_PHASE_2, SAY_UNCHAINED_MAGIC, UnitAI::SelectTarget(), Unit::SendMeleeAttackStop(), Unit::SendMovementFlagUpdate(), Unit::SetControlled(), Creature::SetDisableGravity(), Creature::SetReactState(), Unit::SetSpeed(), SindragosaAirPos, SindragosaAirPosFar, SindragosaFlyInPos, SindragosaLandPos, SIZE_OF_GRIDS, SPELL_BERSERK, SPELL_BLISTERING_COLD, SPELL_CLEAVE, SPELL_FROST_BEACON, SPELL_FROST_BOMB_TRIGGER, SPELL_FROST_BREATH_P1, SPELL_FROST_BREATH_P2, SPELL_ICE_TOMB_DUMMY, SPELL_ICY_GRIP, SPELL_MYSTIC_BUFFET, SPELL_TAIL_SMASH, SPELL_UNCHAINED_MAGIC, Unit::StopMoving(), UNIT_STATE_CASTING, UNIT_STATE_ROOT, WorldObject::UpdateGroundPositionZ(), and CreatureAI::UpdateVictim().
private |
Referenced by JustEngagedWith(), MovementInform(), Reset(), and UpdateAI().
private |
Referenced by DamageTaken(), JustEngagedWith(), and Reset().
private |
Referenced by MovementInform(), and UpdateAI().
private |
Referenced by DoAction(), and Reset().
private |
Referenced by DamageTaken(), JustEngagedWith(), Reset(), and UpdateAI().
private |
Referenced by GetData(), JustEngagedWith(), Reset(), and SpellHitTarget().