| BattlegroundAB () |
| ~BattlegroundAB () override |
void | AddPlayer (Player *player) override |
void | StartingEventCloseDoors () override |
void | StartingEventOpenDoors () override |
void | RemovePlayer (Player *player) override |
void | HandleAreaTrigger (Player *player, uint32 trigger) override |
bool | SetupBattleground () override |
void | Init () override |
void | EndBattleground (TeamId winnerTeamId) override |
GraveyardStruct const * | GetClosestGraveyard (Player *player) override |
bool | UpdatePlayerScore (Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 value, bool doAddHonor=true) override |
void | FillInitialWorldStates (WorldPacket &data) override |
void | EventPlayerClickedOnFlag (Player *source, GameObject *gameObject) override |
bool | AllNodesConrolledByTeam (TeamId teamId) const override |
bool | IsTeamScores500Disadvantage (TeamId teamId) const |
TeamId | GetPrematureWinner () override |
| Battleground () |
virtual | ~Battleground () |
void | Update (uint32 diff) |
virtual bool | SetupBattleground () |
virtual void | Init () |
virtual void | StartingEventCloseDoors () |
virtual void | StartingEventOpenDoors () |
virtual void | ResetBGSubclass () |
virtual void | DestroyGate (Player *, GameObject *) |
virtual bool | AllNodesConrolledByTeam (TeamId) const |
void | StartTimedAchievement (AchievementCriteriaTimedTypes type, uint32 entry) |
std::string | GetName () const |
BattlegroundTypeId | GetBgTypeID (bool GetRandom=false) const |
BattlegroundBracketId | GetBracketId () const |
uint32 | GetInstanceID () const |
BattlegroundStatus | GetStatus () const |
uint32 | GetClientInstanceID () const |
uint32 | GetStartTime () const |
uint32 | GetEndTime () const |
uint32 | GetLastResurrectTime () const |
uint32 | GetMinLevel () const |
uint32 | GetMaxLevel () const |
uint32 | GetMaxPlayersPerTeam () const |
uint32 | GetMinPlayersPerTeam () const |
int32 | GetStartDelayTime () const |
uint8 | GetArenaType () const |
PvPTeamId | GetWinner () const |
uint32 | GetScriptId () const |
uint32 | GetBonusHonorFromKill (uint32 kills) const |
void | SpiritOfCompetitionEvent (PvPTeamId winnerTeamId) const |
bool | IsRandom () |
void | SetName (std::string_view name) |
void | SetBgTypeID (BattlegroundTypeId TypeID) |
void | SetRandomTypeID (BattlegroundTypeId TypeID) |
void | SetBracket (PvPDifficultyEntry const *bracketEntry) |
void | SetInstanceID (uint32 InstanceID) |
void | SetStatus (BattlegroundStatus Status) |
void | SetClientInstanceID (uint32 InstanceID) |
void | SetStartTime (uint32 Time) |
void | SetEndTime (uint32 Time) |
void | SetLastResurrectTime (uint32 Time) |
void | SetLevelRange (uint32 min, uint32 max) |
void | SetRated (bool state) |
void | SetArenaType (uint8 type) |
void | SetArenaorBGType (bool _isArena) |
void | SetWinner (PvPTeamId winner) |
void | SetScriptId (uint32 scriptId) |
void | SetRandom (bool isRandom) |
void | ModifyStartDelayTime (int32 diff) |
void | SetStartDelayTime (int32 Time) |
void | SetMaxPlayersPerTeam (uint32 MaxPlayers) |
void | SetMinPlayersPerTeam (uint32 MinPlayers) |
void | AddToBGFreeSlotQueue () |
void | RemoveFromBGFreeSlotQueue () |
void | DecreaseInvitedCount (TeamId teamId) |
void | IncreaseInvitedCount (TeamId teamId) |
uint32 | GetInvitedCount (TeamId teamId) const |
bool | HasFreeSlots () const |
uint32 | GetFreeSlotsForTeam (TeamId teamId) const |
uint32 | GetMaxFreeSlots () const |
void | AddSpectator (Player *p) |
void | RemoveSpectator (Player *p) |
bool | HaveSpectators () |
const SpectatorList & | GetSpectators () const |
void | AddToBeTeleported (ObjectGuid spectator, ObjectGuid participant) |
void | RemoveToBeTeleported (ObjectGuid spectator) |
void | SpectatorsSendPacket (WorldPacket &data) |
bool | isArena () const |
bool | isBattleground () const |
bool | isRated () const |
BattlegroundPlayerMap const & | GetPlayers () const |
uint32 | GetPlayersSize () const |
void | ReadyMarkerClicked (Player *p) |
BattlegroundScoreMap const * | GetPlayerScores () const |
std::size_t | GetPlayerScoresSize () const |
uint32 | GetReviveQueueSize () const |
void | AddPlayerToResurrectQueue (ObjectGuid npc_guid, ObjectGuid player_guid) |
void | RemovePlayerFromResurrectQueue (Player *player) |
void | RelocateDeadPlayers (ObjectGuid queueIndex) |
| Relocate all players in ReviveQueue to the closest graveyard. More...
void | StartBattleground () |
GameObject * | GetBGObject (uint32 type) |
Creature * | GetBGCreature (uint32 type) |
void | SetMapId (uint32 MapID) |
uint32 | GetMapId () const |
void | SetBgMap (BattlegroundMap *map) |
BattlegroundMap * | GetBgMap () const |
BattlegroundMap * | FindBgMap () const |
void | SetTeamStartPosition (TeamId teamId, Position const &pos) |
Position const * | GetTeamStartPosition (TeamId teamId) const |
void | SetStartMaxDist (float startMaxDist) |
float | GetStartMaxDist () const |
virtual void | FillInitialWorldStates (WorldPacket &) |
void | SendPacketToTeam (TeamId teamId, WorldPacket const *packet, Player *sender=nullptr, bool self=true) |
void | SendPacketToAll (WorldPacket const *packet) |
void | YellToAll (Creature *creature, const char *text, uint32 language) |
void | SendChatMessage (Creature *source, uint8 textId, WorldObject *target=nullptr) |
void | SendBroadcastText (uint32 id, ChatMsg msgType, WorldObject const *target=nullptr) |
template<class Do > |
void | BroadcastWorker (Do &_do) |
void | PlaySoundToAll (uint32 soundId) |
void | CastSpellOnTeam (uint32 spellId, TeamId teamId) |
void | RemoveAuraOnTeam (uint32 spellId, TeamId teamId) |
void | RewardHonorToTeam (uint32 honor, TeamId teamId) |
void | RewardReputationToTeam (uint32 factionId, uint32 reputation, TeamId teamId) |
uint32 | GetRealRepFactionForPlayer (uint32 factionId, Player *player) |
void | UpdateWorldState (uint32 variable, uint32 value) |
void | EndBattleground (PvPTeamId winnerTeamId) |
virtual void | EndBattleground (TeamId winnerTeamId) |
void | BlockMovement (Player *player) |
Group * | GetBgRaid (TeamId teamId) const |
void | SetBgRaid (TeamId teamId, Group *bg_raid) |
void | BuildPvPLogDataPacket (WorldPacket &data) |
virtual bool | UpdatePlayerScore (Player *player, uint32 type, uint32 value, bool doAddHonor=true) |
uint32 | GetPlayersCountByTeam (TeamId teamId) const |
uint32 | GetAlivePlayersCountByTeam (TeamId teamId) const |
void | UpdatePlayersCountByTeam (TeamId teamId, bool remove) |
virtual void | CheckWinConditions () |
void | SetArenaTeamIdForTeam (TeamId teamId, uint32 ArenaTeamId) |
uint32 | GetArenaTeamIdForTeam (TeamId teamId) const |
void | SetArenaMatchmakerRating (TeamId teamId, uint32 MMR) |
uint32 | GetArenaMatchmakerRating (TeamId teamId) const |
virtual void | HandleAreaTrigger (Player *, uint32) |
virtual void | HandleKillPlayer (Player *player, Player *killer) |
virtual void | HandleKillUnit (Creature *, Player *) |
virtual void | EventPlayerDroppedFlag (Player *) |
virtual void | EventPlayerClickedOnFlag (Player *, GameObject *) |
virtual void | EventPlayerDamagedGO (Player *, GameObject *, uint32) |
virtual void | EventPlayerUsedGO (Player *, GameObject *) |
virtual void | DoAction (uint32, ObjectGuid) |
virtual void | HandlePlayerResurrect (Player *) |
virtual GraveyardStruct const * | GetClosestGraveyard (Player *player) |
virtual void | AddPlayer (Player *player) |
void | AddOrSetPlayerToCorrectBgGroup (Player *player, TeamId teamId) |
virtual void | RemovePlayerAtLeave (Player *player) |
void | HandleTriggerBuff (GameObject *gameObject) |
void | SetHoliday (bool is_holiday) |
void | SpawnBGObject (uint32 type, uint32 respawntime, uint32 forceRespawnDelay=0) |
bool | AddObject (uint32 type, uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float o, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime=0, GOState goState=GO_STATE_READY) |
Creature * | AddCreature (uint32 entry, uint32 type, float x, float y, float z, float o, uint32 respawntime=0, MotionTransport *transport=nullptr) |
bool | DelCreature (uint32 type) |
bool | DelObject (uint32 type) |
bool | AddSpiritGuide (uint32 type, float x, float y, float z, float o, TeamId teamId) |
int32 | GetObjectType (ObjectGuid guid) |
void | DoorOpen (uint32 type) |
void | DoorClose (uint32 type) |
const char * | GetAcoreString (int32 entry) |
virtual bool | HandlePlayerUnderMap (Player *) |
bool | IsPlayerInBattleground (ObjectGuid guid) const |
bool | ToBeDeleted () const |
void | RewardXPAtKill (Player *killer, Player *victim) |
virtual ObjectGuid | GetFlagPickerGUID (TeamId=TEAM_NEUTRAL) const |
virtual void | SetDroppedFlagGUID (ObjectGuid, TeamId=TEAM_NEUTRAL) |
uint32 | GetTeamScore (TeamId teamId) const |
virtual TeamId | GetPrematureWinner () |
uint8 | GetUniqueBracketId () const |
BattlegroundAV * | ToBattlegroundAV () |
BattlegroundAV const * | ToBattlegroundAV () const |
BattlegroundWS * | ToBattlegroundWS () |
BattlegroundWS const * | ToBattlegroundWS () const |
BattlegroundAB * | ToBattlegroundAB () |
BattlegroundAB const * | ToBattlegroundAB () const |
BattlegroundNA * | ToBattlegroundNA () |
BattlegroundNA const * | ToBattlegroundNA () const |
BattlegroundBE * | ToBattlegroundBE () |
BattlegroundBE const * | ToBattlegroundBE () const |
BattlegroundEY * | ToBattlegroundEY () |
BattlegroundEY const * | ToBattlegroundEY () const |
BattlegroundRL * | ToBattlegroundRL () |
BattlegroundRL const * | ToBattlegroundRL () const |
BattlegroundSA * | ToBattlegroundSA () |
BattlegroundSA const * | ToBattlegroundSA () const |
BattlegroundDS * | ToBattlegroundDS () |
BattlegroundDS const * | ToBattlegroundDS () const |
BattlegroundRV * | ToBattlegroundRV () |
BattlegroundRV const * | ToBattlegroundRV () const |
BattlegroundIC * | ToBattlegroundIC () |
BattlegroundIC const * | ToBattlegroundIC () const |
void BattlegroundAB::PostUpdateImpl |
( |
uint32 |
| ) |
overrideprivatevirtual |
Post-update hook.
Will be called after battleground update has passed. May be used to implement custom update effects in subclasses.
- Parameters
diff | a time difference between two worldserver update loops in milliseconds. |
- See also
- Update(), PreUpdateImpl().
Reimplemented from Battleground.
53 {
56 switch (eventId)
57 {
64 break;
70 {
83 {
86 }
87 else
88 {
91 }
93 break;
94 }
97 {
100 if (controlledPoints == 0)
101 {
103 break;
104 }
118 {
120 {
123 }
124 else
125 {
128 }
129 }
138 break;
139 }
140 default:
141 break;
142 }
143 }
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:153
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:154
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:183
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:31
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:39
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:28
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:37
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:30
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:29
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:36
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:40
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:35
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:34
const uint32 BG_AB_TickPoints[BG_AB_DYNAMIC_NODES_COUNT+1]
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:219
const uint32 BG_AB_TickIntervals[BG_AB_DYNAMIC_NODES_COUNT+1]
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:218
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:195
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:192
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:196
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:191
Definition: SharedDefines.h:3188
uint32 ExecuteEvent()
Definition: EventMap.cpp:114
void Update(uint32 time)
Definition: EventMap.h:54
void ScheduleEvent(uint32 eventId, uint32 time, uint32 group=0, uint32 phase=0)
Definition: EventMap.cpp:56
void RewardReputationToTeam(uint32 factionId, uint32 reputation, TeamId teamId)
Definition: Battleground.cpp:735
static TeamId GetOtherTeamId(TeamId teamId)
Definition: Battleground.cpp:1752
void UpdateWorldState(uint32 variable, uint32 value)
Definition: Battleground.cpp:778
void EndBattleground(TeamId winnerTeamId) override
Definition: BattlegroundAB.cpp:483
bool _captured
Definition: BattlegroundAB.h:335
References _bgEvents, BattlegroundAB::CapturePointInfo::_captured, _capturePointInfo, _controlledPoints, _honorTics, BattlegroundAB::CapturePointInfo::_ownerTeamId, _reputationTics, BattlegroundAB::CapturePointInfo::_state, _teamScores500Disadvantage, ABNodes, BG_AB_EVENT_ALLIANCE_TICK, BG_AB_EVENT_CAPTURE_BLACKSMITH, BG_AB_EVENT_CAPTURE_FARM, BG_AB_EVENT_CAPTURE_GOLDMINE, BG_AB_EVENT_CAPTURE_LUMBERMILL, BG_AB_EVENT_CAPTURE_STABLE, BG_AB_EVENT_HORDE_TICK, BG_AB_EVENT_UPDATE_BANNER_BLACKSMITH, BG_AB_EVENT_UPDATE_BANNER_FARM, BG_AB_EVENT_UPDATE_BANNER_GOLDMINE, BG_AB_EVENT_UPDATE_BANNER_LUMBERMILL, BG_AB_EVENT_UPDATE_BANNER_STABLE, BG_AB_MAX_TEAM_SCORE, BG_AB_NODE_STATE_ALLY_CONTESTED, BG_AB_NODE_STATE_ALLY_OCCUPIED, BG_AB_NODE_STATE_HORDE_OCCUPIED, BG_AB_OP_RESOURCES_ALLY, BG_AB_OP_RESOURCES_HORDE, BG_AB_SOUND_NEAR_VICTORY_ALLIANCE, BG_AB_SOUND_NEAR_VICTORY_HORDE, BG_AB_SOUND_NODE_CAPTURED_ALLIANCE, BG_AB_SOUND_NODE_CAPTURED_HORDE, BG_AB_TEXT_ALLIANCE_NEAR_VICTORY, BG_AB_TEXT_HORDE_NEAR_VICTORY, BG_AB_TickIntervals, BG_AB_TickPoints, BG_AB_WARNING_NEAR_VICTORY_SCORE, CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_ALLIANCE, CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_HORDE, CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL, CreateBanner(), DeleteBanner(), EndBattleground(), EventMap::ExecuteEvent(), Battleground::GetBonusHonorFromKill(), Battleground::GetOtherTeamId(), Battleground::GetStatus(), Battleground::m_TeamScores, NodeOccupied(), Battleground::PlaySoundToAll(), Battleground::RewardHonorToTeam(), Battleground::RewardReputationToTeam(), EventMap::ScheduleEvent(), Battleground::SendBroadcastText(), SendNodeUpdate(), STATUS_IN_PROGRESS, TEAM_ALLIANCE, TEAM_HORDE, EventMap::Update(), and Battleground::UpdateWorldState().