void | UpdateAI (uint32 diff) override |
| Use to start attacking a target. Called just before JustEngagedWith() More...
| SimpleCharmedAI (Player *player) |
| PlayerAI (Player *player) |
void | OnCharmed (bool apply) override |
| Called when unit is charmed. More...
| UnitAI (Unit *unit) |
virtual | ~UnitAI () |
virtual bool | CanAIAttack (Unit const *) const |
virtual void | AttackStart (Unit *) |
virtual void | UpdateAI (uint32)=0 |
| Use to start attacking a target. Called just before JustEngagedWith() More...
virtual void | InitializeAI () |
virtual void | Reset () |
virtual void | OnCharmed (bool apply)=0 |
| Called when unit is charmed. More...
virtual void | DoAction (int32) |
virtual uint32 | GetData (uint32) const |
virtual void | SetData (uint32, uint32) |
virtual void | SetGUID (ObjectGuid, int32=0) |
virtual ObjectGuid | GetGUID (int32=0) const |
Unit * | SelectTarget (SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0) |
template<class PREDICATE > |
Unit * | SelectTarget (SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position, PREDICATE const &predicate) |
void | SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0) |
| Select the best (up to) <num> targets (in <targetType> order) from the threat list that fulfill the following: More...
template<class PREDICATE > |
void | SelectTargetList (std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position, PREDICATE const &predicate) |
virtual void | JustEnteredCombat (Unit *) |
| Called when the unit enters combat. More...
virtual void | JustExitedCombat () |
| Called when the unit leaves combat. More...
virtual void | DamageDealt (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType) |
| Called at any Damage to any victim (before damage apply) More...
virtual void | DamageTaken (Unit *, uint32 &, DamageEffectType, SpellSchoolMask) |
| Called at any Damage from any attacker (before damage apply) More...
virtual void | HealReceived (Unit *, uint32 &) |
| Called when the creature receives heal. More...
virtual void | OnPowerUpdate (Powers, int32, int32, uint32) |
| Called when the creature power updates. More...
virtual void | HealDone (Unit *, uint32 &) |
| Called when the unit heals. More...
virtual void | OnCalculateMeleeDamageReceived (uint32 &, Unit *) |
| Called during damage calculations. More...
virtual void | OnCalculateSpellDamageReceived (int32 &, Unit *) |
virtual void | OnCalculatePeriodicTickReceived (uint32 &, Unit *) |
| Called during calculation when receiving periodic healing or damage (DoT or HoT) More...
void | AttackStartCaster (Unit *victim, float dist) |
SpellCastResult | DoAddAuraToAllHostilePlayers (uint32 spellid) |
SpellCastResult | DoCast (uint32 spellId) |
SpellCastResult | DoCast (Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastSelf (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastToAllHostilePlayers (uint32 spellid, bool triggered=false) |
| To specify the caster as target if the spell is self-cast. More...
SpellCastResult | DoCastVictim (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastAOE (uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) |
SpellCastResult | DoCastRandomTarget (uint32 spellId, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=true, bool triggered=false, bool withTank=true) |
| Cast the spell on a random unit from the threat list. More...
SpellCastResult | DoCastMaxThreat (uint32 spellId, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=true, bool triggered=false) |
| Cast spell on the top threat target, which may not be the current victim. More...
float | DoGetSpellMaxRange (uint32 spellId, bool positive=false) |
void | DoMeleeAttackIfReady () |
bool | DoSpellAttackIfReady (uint32 spell) |
void | DoSpellAttackToRandomTargetIfReady (uint32 spell, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.f, bool playerOnly=true) |
virtual void | SummonMovementInform (Creature *, uint32, uint32) |
| Called when a summon reaches a waypoint or point movement finished. More...
virtual void | sGossipHello (Player *) |
virtual void | sGossipSelect (Player *, uint32, uint32) |
virtual void | sGossipSelectCode (Player *, uint32, uint32, char const *) |
virtual void | sQuestAccept (Player *, Quest const *) |
virtual void | sQuestSelect (Player *, Quest const *) |
virtual void | sQuestComplete (Player *, Quest const *) |
virtual void | sQuestReward (Player *, Quest const *, uint32) |
virtual void | sOnGameEvent (bool, uint16) |
virtual std::string | GetDebugInfo () const |