The `quest_template_locale` table
This table is used to provide to localized clients with localized string for quest templates.
Table Structure
Field | Type | Attribute | Key | Null | Default | Extra | Comment |
locale | VARCHAR(4) | PRI | NO | ||||
Title | text | YES | |||||
Details | text | YES | |||||
Objectives | text | YES | |||||
EndText | text | YES | |||||
CompletedText | text | YES | |||||
ObjectiveText1 | text | YES | |||||
ObjectiveText2 | text | YES | |||||
ObjectiveText3 | text | YES | |||||
ObjectiveText4 | text | YES | |||||
VerifiedBuild | SMALLINT | YES | 0 |
Description of the fields
This is the ID of the quest to be translated.
ID | Language |
0 | enUS |
1 | koKR |
2 | frFR |
3 | deDE |
4 | zhCN |
5 | zhTW |
6 | esES |
7 | esMX |
8 | ruRU |
The title of the quest in the respective language.
Detail of the quest.
This is the text that is displayed when it is completed.
This is the text that is displayed until the quest is completed.
This is objective 1 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.
This is objective 2 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.
This is objective 3 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.
This is objective 4 of the search. In other words, it is the text that accompanies the counters.
DELETE FROM `quest_template_locale` WHERE `ID`=62 AND `locale`="esES";
INSERT INTO `quest_template_locale` (`ID`, `locale`, `Title`, `Details`, `Objectives`, `EndText`, `CompletedText`, `ObjectiveText1`, `ObjectiveText2`, `ObjectiveText3`, `ObjectiveText4`, `VerifiedBuild`) VALUES
(62, "esES", "La Mina Abisal", "隆La mina de Villanorte no es la 煤nica que tiene problemas! Seg煤n mis informes, la Mina Abisal de Elwynn tambi茅n ha sido ocupada por los k贸bolds.$B$BExplora la mina y comprueba la veracidad de mis informes. Luego vuelve aqu铆. La mina est谩 hacia el sur de Villadorada, entre La Granja Pedregosa y la granja Maclure.", "Explora la Mina Abisal y vuelve junto al alguacil Dughan a Villadorada.", "Explora la Mina Abisal", "Vuelve con: Alguacil Dughan. Zona: Villadorada, Bosque de Elwynn.", "", "", "", "", 18019);