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The `game_event` table

Table Structure

This table holds definitions for all game events that are activated or deactivated automatically by the Game Event System in the core.

Field Type Attributes Key Null Default Extra Comment
eventEntry TINYINT UNSIGNED PRI NO Unique Entry of the game event
start_time TIMESTAMP YES NULL Absolute start date, the event will never start before
end_time TIMESTAMP YES NULL Absolute end date, the event will never start after; if NULL it will be implicitly set to 2 years in the future on each server start
occurrence BIGINT UNSIGNED NO Delay in minutes between occurrences of the event
length BIGINT UNSIGNED NO Length in minutes of the event
holiday MEDIUMINT UNSIGNED NO Client side holiday id (from dbc)
description VARCHAR(255) SIGNED YES NULL Description of the event displayed in console
world_event TINYINT UNSIGNED NO 0 if normal event, 1 if world event
announce TINYINT UNSIGNED YES 2 0 dont announce, 1 announce, 2 value from config

Field Descriptions


Entry of the event. Keep it as low as possible and prevent making holes in the list. Higher the max id is, the more memory will be used to store the event data.


Absolute start date of the event. The event will start occurring only if the local time at the server is after the one set here.


Absolute end date of the event. The event will stop occurring if the local time at the server is after the one set here.


Number of minutes between 2 occurrences of the event. (2880 = 2 days, 1440 = 1 day, etc)


Number of minutes the event will last after the start of the occurrence. (2880 = 2 days, 1440 = 1 day, etc) This value must be lower than occurrence one or the event will never stop.


Holiday ID from 聽Holidays DBC file. This is sent to the client to update the calender.


String containing the name of the event displayed in console each time it starts or stops.


This is a boolean field that determines if this game event is a world event or not. 0 = normal event, 1 = world event. For the world event to work, you need to at a minimum, populate game_event_condition and game_event_quest_condition.


Value Description
0 Don't announce the Event
1 Announce the description of the Event to the world
2 Use the event.announce settings from the config