Class Creature [-] [+]
Non-Player controlled Units (i.e. NPCs).
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject, Unit
AddLootMode |
Adds a loot mode to the Creature |
AttackStart |
Make the Creature attack |
CallAssistance |
Make the Creature call for assistance in combat from other nearby Creatures. |
CallForHelp |
Make the Creature call for help in combat from friendly Creatures within |
CanAggro |
Returns |
CanAssistTo |
Returns |
CanCompleteQuest |
Returns |
CanFly |
Returns |
CanStartAttack |
Returns true if the Creature can start attacking specified target |
CanSwim |
Returns |
CanWalk |
Returns |
DespawnOrUnsummon |
Despawn this Creature. |
FleeToGetAssistance |
Make the Creature flee combat to get assistance from a nearby friendly Creature. |
GetAIName |
Returns the Creature's AI name. |
GetAITarget |
Returns a target from the Creature's threat list based on the supplied arguments. |
GetAITargets | |
GetAITargetsCount | |
GetAggroRange |
Returns the aggro range of the Creature for |
GetAttackDistance |
Returns the effective aggro range of the Creature for |
GetCorpseDelay |
Returns the delay between when the Creature dies and when its body despawns. |
GetCreatureFamily |
Returns the Creature's creature family ID (enumerated in CreatureFamily.dbc). |
GetCreatureSpellCooldownDelay |
Returns the Creature's cooldown for |
GetCurrentWaypointId |
Returns the current waypoint ID of the Creature. |
GetDBTableGUIDLow |
Returns the guid of the Creature that is used as the ID in the database |
GetDefaultMovementType |
Returns the default movement type for this Creature. |
GetExtraFlags |
Returns the Creature's Extra flags. |
GetHomePosition |
Returns position the Creature returns to when evading from combat or respawning. |
GetLootMode | |
GetLootRecipient | |
GetLootRecipientGroup | |
GetNPCFlags |
Returns the Creature's NPC flags. |
GetRank |
Returns the Creature's rank. |
GetRespawnDelay |
Returns the time it takes for this Creature to respawn once killed. |
GetScriptId |
Returns the Creature's script ID. |
GetScriptName |
Returns the Creature's script name. |
GetShieldBlockValue |
Returns the Creature's shield block value. |
GetUnitFlags |
Returns the Creature's Unit flags. |
GetUnitFlagsTwo |
Returns the Creature's Unit flags 2. |
GetWanderRadius |
Returns the radius the Creature is permitted to wander from its respawn point. |
GetWaypointPath |
Returns the current waypoint path ID of the Creature. |
HasCategoryCooldown |
Returns |
HasLootMode |
Returns true if Creature has the specified loot mode |
HasLootRecipient |
Returns |
HasQuest |
Returns |
HasSearchedAssistance |
Returns |
HasSpell |
Returns |
HasSpellCooldown |
Returns |
IsCivilian |
Returns |
IsDamageEnoughForLootingAndReward |
Returns true if the Creature is damaged enough for looting |
IsDungeonBoss | |
IsElite |
Returns |
IsGuard |
Returns |
IsInEvadeMode |
Returns |
IsRacialLeader |
Returns |
IsRegeneratingHealth |
Returns |
IsReputationGainDisabled |
Returns |
IsTappedBy |
Returns |
IsTargetableForAttack |
Returns |
IsTrigger |
Returns |
IsWorldBoss |
Returns |
MoveWaypoint |
Make the Creature start following its waypoint path. |
RemoveCorpse |
Remove this Creature's corpse. |
RemoveLootMode |
Removes specified loot mode from Creature |
ResetLootMode |
Resets Creature's loot mode to default |
Respawn |
Respawn this Creature. |
SaveToDB |
Save the Creature in the database. |
SelectVictim |
Make the Creature try to find a new target. |
SetAggroEnabled |
Sets whether the Creature can be aggroed. |
SetDeathState |
Sets the Creature's death state to |
SetDefaultMovementType |
Sets the default movement type of the Creature. |
SetDisableGravity |
Makes the Creature able to fly if enabled. |
SetDisableReputationGain |
Sets whether the Creature gives reputation or not. |
SetEquipmentSlots |
Equips given Items to the Unit. Using 0 removes the equipped Item |
SetHomePosition |
Sets the position the Creature returns to when evading from combat or respawning. |
SetHover |
Sets whether the creature is hovering / levitating or not. |
SetInCombatWithZone |
Sets the Creature as in combat with all Players in the dungeon instance. |
SetLootMode | |
SetNPCFlags |
Sets the Creature's NPC flags to |
SetNoCallAssistance |
Sets whether the Creature can call nearby enemies for help in combat or not. |
SetNoSearchAssistance |
Sets whether the Creature can search for assistance at low health or not. |
SetReactState |
Sets the Creature's ReactState to |
SetRegeneratingHealth |
Sets whether the Creature can regenerate health or not. |
SetRespawnDelay |
Sets the time it takes for the Creature to respawn when killed. |
SetUnitFlags |
Sets the Creature's Unit flags to |
SetUnitFlagsTwo |
Sets the Creature's Unit flags2 to |
SetWalk |
Sets whether the Creature is currently walking or running. |
SetWanderRadius |
Sets the distance the Creature can wander from it's spawn point. |
UpdateEntry |
Transform the Creature into another Creature. |