AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
No Matches
SmartAction Struct Reference

#include "SmartScriptMgr.h"

Public Attributes

union {
   struct {
      uint32   textGroupID
      uint32   duration
      SAIBool   useTalkTarget
   }   talk
   struct {
      uint32   textGroupID
      uint32   duration
   }   simpleTalk
   struct {
      uint32   factionID
   }   faction
   struct {
      uint32   creature
      uint32   model
   }   morphOrMount
   struct {
      uint32   sound
      SAIBool   onlySelf
      uint32   distance
   }   sound
   struct {
      uint32   sound1
      uint32   sound2
      uint32   sound3
      uint32   sound4
      SAIBool   onlySelf
      uint32   distance
   }   randomSound
   struct {
      uint32   sound
      uint32   onlySelf
      uint32   type
   }   music
   struct {
      uint32   sound1
      uint32   sound2
      uint32   sound3
      uint32   sound4
      uint32   onlySelf
      uint32   type
   }   randomMusic
   struct {
      uint32   emote
   }   emote
   struct {
      uint32   quest
   }   quest
   struct {
      uint32   questID
      SAIBool   directAdd
   }   questOffer
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   react
   struct {
      std::array< uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT >   emotes
   }   randomEmote
   struct {
      uint32   spell
      uint32   castFlags
      uint32   triggerFlags
      uint32   targetsLimit
   }   cast
   struct {
      uint32   spell
      uint32   flags
      uint32   targetType
      uint32   targetParam1
      uint32   targetParam2
      uint32   targetParam3
   }   crossCast
   struct {
      uint32   alternative
   }   activateObject
   struct {
      uint32   range
   }   combatZone
   struct {
      uint32   creature
      uint32   type
      uint32   duration
      SAIBool   attackInvoker
      uint32   attackScriptOwner
      uint32   flags
   }   summonCreature
   struct {
      uint32   threatINC
      uint32   threatDEC
   }   threatPCT
   struct {
      uint32   threatINC
      uint32   threatDEC
   }   threat
   struct {
      SAIBool   attack
   }   autoAttack
   struct {
      SAIBool   move
   }   combatMove
   struct {
      uint32   phase
   }   setEventPhase
   struct {
      uint32   inc
      uint32   dec
   }   incEventPhase
   struct {
      uint32   spell
   }   addAura
   struct {
      uint32   spell
      uint32   charges
   }   removeAura
   struct {
      uint32   dist
      uint32   angle
      uint32   entry
      uint32   credit
      uint32   creditType
      uint32   aliveState
   }   follow
   struct {
      std::array< uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT >   phases
   }   randomPhase
   struct {
      uint32   phaseMin
      uint32   phaseMax
   }   randomPhaseRange
   struct {
      uint32   creature
   }   killedMonster
   struct {
      uint32   field
      uint32   data
      uint32   type
   }   setInstanceData
   struct {
      uint32   field
   }   setInstanceData64
   struct {
      uint32   creature
      SAIBool   updateLevel
   }   updateTemplate
   struct {
      uint32   milliseconds
   }   die
   struct {
      uint32   range
      SAIBool   withEmote
   }   callHelp
   struct {
      uint32   sheath
   }   setSheath
   struct {
      uint32   delay
      uint32   forceRespawnTimer
      SAIBool   removeObjectFromWorld
   }   forceDespawn
   struct {
      uint32   minHP
      uint32   percent
   }   invincHP
   struct {
      uint32   mask
   }   ingamePhaseMask
   struct {
      uint32   field
      uint32   data
   }   setData
   struct {
      uint32   distance
   }   moveRandom
   struct {
      SAIBool   state
   }   visibility
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   setActive
   struct {
      uint32   entry
      uint32   despawnTime
      uint32   targetsummon
      uint32   summonType
   }   summonGO
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   taxi
   struct {
      SAIBool   run
      uint32   pathID
      SAIBool   repeat
      uint32   quest
      uint32   despawnTime
      uint32   reactState
   }   wpStart
   struct {
      uint32   delay
   }   wpPause
   struct {
      uint32   despawnTime
      uint32   quest
      SAIBool   fail
   }   wpStop
   struct {
      uint32   entry
      uint32   count
   }   item
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   param1
      uint32   param2
      uint32   param3
      uint32   param4
      uint32   param5
   }   installTtemplate
   struct {
      SAIBool   run
   }   setRun
   struct {
      SAIBool   fly
      uint32   speed
      uint32   disableGravity
   }   setFly
   struct {
      SAIBool   swim
   }   setSwim
   struct {
      uint32   mapID
   }   teleport
   struct {
      uint32   counterId
      uint32   value
      SAIBool   reset
      uint32   subtract
   }   setCounter
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   storeTargets
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   min
      uint32   max
      uint32   repeatMin
      uint32   repeatMax
      uint32   chance
   }   timeEvent
   struct {
      uint32   entry
   }   movie
   struct {
      uint32   entry
      uint32   mask
      std::array< uint32, MAX_EQUIPMENT_ITEMS >   slots
   }   equip
   struct {
      uint32   flag
      uint32   type
   }   unitFlag
   struct {
      uint32   flag
   }   flag
   struct {
      uint32   byte1
      uint32   type
   }   setunitByte
   struct {
      uint32   byte1
      uint32   type
   }   delunitByte
   struct {
      uint32   id
      uint32   timerType
      SAIBool   allowOverride
   }   timedActionList
   struct {
      std::array< uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT >   actionLists
   }   randTimedActionList
   struct {
      uint32   idMin
      uint32   idMax
   }   randRangeTimedActionList
   struct {
      SAIBool   withDelayed
      uint32   spell_id
      SAIBool   withInstant
   }   interruptSpellCasting
   struct {
      uint32   anim
   }   sendGoCustomAnim
   struct {
      uint32   speedxy
      uint32   speedz
      uint32   selfJump
   }   jump
   struct {
      uint32   flag
   }   movementFlag
   struct {
      uint32   withEmote
   }   flee
   struct {
      uint32   goRespawnTime
   }   RespawnTarget
   struct {
      uint32   pointId
      SAIBool   transport
      uint32   controlled
      uint32   ContactDistance
      uint32   combatReach
   }   moveToPos
   struct {
      uint32   gossipMenuId
      uint32   gossipNpcTextId
   }   sendGossipMenu
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   setGoLootState
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   sendTargetToTarget
   struct {
      uint32   distance
      uint32   angle
   }   setRangedMovement
   struct {
      SAIBool   regenHealth
   }   setHealthRegen
   struct {
      SAIBool   root
   }   setRoot
   struct {
      uint32   flag
   }   goFlag
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   goState
   struct {
      uint32   group
      uint32   attackInvoker
      uint32   attackScriptOwner
   }   creatureGroup
   struct {
      uint32   powerType
      uint32   newPower
   }   power
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   gameEventStop
   struct {
      uint32   id
   }   gameEventStart
   struct {
      std::array< uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT >   wps
   }   closestWaypointFromList
   struct {
      uint32   dist
   }   combatDistance
   struct {
      uint32   dist
   }   sightDistance
   struct {
      uint32   dist
      uint32   reset
   }   casterDistance
   struct {
      uint32   spawnPos
   }   setHomePos
   struct {
      uint32   id
      SAIBool   force
   }   loadEquipment
   struct {
      uint32   minId
      uint32   maxId
   }   randomTimedEvent
   struct {
      uint32   state
   }   setHover
   struct {
      uint32   type
      uint32   id
      uint32   value
   }   immunity
   struct {
      uint32   quickChange
      uint32   random
      uint32   turnAngle
   }   orientation
   struct {
      uint32   stopMovement
      uint32   movementExpired
   }   stopMotion
   struct {
      uint32   summonEntry
      uint32   summonDuration
      uint32   distanceBetweenRings
      uint32   distanceBetweenSummons
      uint32   coneLength
      uint32   coneAngle
   }   coneSummon
   struct {
      uint32   textId
      uint32   flag
   }   playerTalk
   struct {
      uint32   spell
      uint32   flags
      uint32   bp1
      uint32   bp2
      uint32   bp3
   }   castCustom
   struct {
      uint32   summonEntry
      uint32   summonDuration
      uint32   a
      uint32   k
      uint32   r_max
      uint32   phi_delta
   }   summonVortex
   struct {
      uint32   actionId
      uint32   isNegative
      uint32   instanceTarget
   }   doAction
   struct {
      SAIBool   disable
   }   disableEvade
   struct {
      uint32   timer
   }   corpseDelay
   struct {
      uint32   movementType
      uint32   speedInteger
      uint32   speedFraction
   }   movementSpeed
   struct {
      uint32   percent
   }   setHealthPct
   struct {
      uint32   entry
   }   cinematic
   struct {
      SAIBool   invokerGUID
      uint32   index
   }   setGuid
   struct {
      SAIBool   state
      uint32   spawnTimerMin
      uint32   spawnTimerMax
      uint32   respawnDelay
      uint32   corpseDelay
      SAIBool   dontDespawn
   }   scriptSpawn
   struct {
      uint32   scale
   }   setScale
   struct {
      uint32   summonEntry
      uint32   summonDuration
      uint32   repetitions
      uint32   startAngle
      uint32   stepAngle
      uint32   dist
   }   radialSummon
   struct {
      uint32   visualId
   }   spellVisual
   struct {
      uint32   followState
      uint32   followType
      uint32   dist
   }   followGroup
   struct {
      uint32   type
      uint32   targetType
      uint32   targetParam1
      uint32   targetParam2
      uint32   targetParam3
      uint32   targetParam4
   }   orientationTarget
   struct {
      uint32   pathId
      SAIBool   repeat
   }   wpData
   struct {
      uint32   pathId1
      uint32   pathId2
      SAIBool   repeat
   }   wpDataRandom
   struct {
      uint32   timer
   }   move
   struct {
      uint32   param1
      uint32   param2
      uint32   param3
      uint32   param4
      uint32   param5
      uint32   param6
   }   raw

Detailed Description

Member Data Documentation


union { ... } SmartAction::@75

◆ a

uint32 SmartAction::a

◆ actionId

uint32 SmartAction::actionId

◆ actionLists

std::array<uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT> SmartAction::actionLists


struct { ... } SmartAction::activateObject


struct { ... } SmartAction::addAura

◆ aliveState

uint32 SmartAction::aliveState

◆ allowOverride

SAIBool SmartAction::allowOverride

◆ alternative

uint32 SmartAction::alternative

◆ angle

uint32 SmartAction::angle

◆ anim

uint32 SmartAction::anim

◆ attack

SAIBool SmartAction::attack

◆ attackInvoker [1/2]

SAIBool SmartAction::attackInvoker

◆ attackInvoker [2/2]

uint32 SmartAction::attackInvoker

◆ attackScriptOwner

uint32 SmartAction::attackScriptOwner


struct { ... } SmartAction::autoAttack

◆ bp1

uint32 SmartAction::bp1

◆ bp2

uint32 SmartAction::bp2

◆ bp3

uint32 SmartAction::bp3

◆ byte1

uint32 SmartAction::byte1


struct { ... } SmartAction::callHelp



struct { ... } SmartAction::castCustom


struct { ... } SmartAction::casterDistance

◆ castFlags

uint32 SmartAction::castFlags

◆ chance

uint32 SmartAction::chance

◆ charges

uint32 SmartAction::charges


struct { ... } SmartAction::cinematic


struct { ... } SmartAction::closestWaypointFromList


struct { ... } SmartAction::combatDistance


struct { ... } SmartAction::combatMove

◆ combatReach

uint32 SmartAction::combatReach


struct { ... } SmartAction::combatZone

◆ coneAngle

uint32 SmartAction::coneAngle

◆ coneLength

uint32 SmartAction::coneLength


struct { ... } SmartAction::coneSummon

◆ ContactDistance

uint32 SmartAction::ContactDistance

◆ controlled

uint32 SmartAction::controlled

◆  [1/2]

struct { ... } SmartAction::corpseDelay

◆ corpseDelay [2/2]

uint32 SmartAction::corpseDelay

◆ count

uint32 SmartAction::count

◆ counterId

uint32 SmartAction::counterId

◆ creature

uint32 SmartAction::creature


struct { ... } SmartAction::creatureGroup

◆ credit

uint32 SmartAction::credit

◆ creditType

uint32 SmartAction::creditType


struct { ... } SmartAction::crossCast

◆ data

uint32 SmartAction::data

◆ dec

uint32 SmartAction::dec

◆ delay

uint32 SmartAction::delay


struct { ... } SmartAction::delunitByte

◆ despawnTime

uint32 SmartAction::despawnTime


struct { ... } SmartAction::die

◆ directAdd

SAIBool SmartAction::directAdd

◆ disable

SAIBool SmartAction::disable


struct { ... } SmartAction::disableEvade

◆ disableGravity

uint32 SmartAction::disableGravity

◆ dist

uint32 SmartAction::dist

◆ distance

uint32 SmartAction::distance

◆ distanceBetweenRings

uint32 SmartAction::distanceBetweenRings

◆ distanceBetweenSummons

uint32 SmartAction::distanceBetweenSummons


struct { ... } SmartAction::doAction

◆ dontDespawn

SAIBool SmartAction::dontDespawn

◆ duration

uint32 SmartAction::duration

◆ emote [1/2]

◆  [2/2]

struct { ... } SmartAction::emote

◆ emotes

std::array<uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT> SmartAction::emotes

◆ entry

uint32 SmartAction::entry


struct { ... } SmartAction::equip


struct { ... } SmartAction::faction

◆ factionID

uint32 SmartAction::factionID

◆ fail

SAIBool SmartAction::fail

◆ field

uint32 SmartAction::field

◆ flag [1/2]

◆  [2/2]

struct { ... } SmartAction::flag

◆ flags

uint32 SmartAction::flags


struct { ... } SmartAction::flee

◆ fly

SAIBool SmartAction::fly


struct { ... } SmartAction::follow


struct { ... } SmartAction::followGroup

◆ followState

uint32 SmartAction::followState

◆ followType

uint32 SmartAction::followType

◆ force

SAIBool SmartAction::force


struct { ... } SmartAction::forceDespawn

◆ forceRespawnTimer

uint32 SmartAction::forceRespawnTimer


struct { ... } SmartAction::gameEventStart


struct { ... } SmartAction::gameEventStop


struct { ... } SmartAction::goFlag

◆ goRespawnTime

uint32 SmartAction::goRespawnTime

◆ gossipMenuId

uint32 SmartAction::gossipMenuId

◆ gossipNpcTextId

uint32 SmartAction::gossipNpcTextId


struct { ... } SmartAction::goState

◆ group

uint32 SmartAction::group

◆ id

◆ idMax

uint32 SmartAction::idMax

◆ idMin

uint32 SmartAction::idMin


struct { ... } SmartAction::immunity

◆ inc

uint32 SmartAction::inc


struct { ... } SmartAction::incEventPhase

◆ index

uint32 SmartAction::index


struct { ... } SmartAction::ingamePhaseMask


struct { ... } SmartAction::installTtemplate

◆ instanceTarget

uint32 SmartAction::instanceTarget


struct { ... } SmartAction::interruptSpellCasting


struct { ... } SmartAction::invincHP

◆ invokerGUID

SAIBool SmartAction::invokerGUID

◆ isNegative

uint32 SmartAction::isNegative



struct { ... } SmartAction::jump

◆ k

uint32 SmartAction::k


struct { ... } SmartAction::killedMonster


struct { ... } SmartAction::loadEquipment

◆ mapID

uint32 SmartAction::mapID

◆ mask

uint32 SmartAction::mask

◆ max

uint32 SmartAction::max

◆ maxId

uint32 SmartAction::maxId

◆ milliseconds

uint32 SmartAction::milliseconds

◆ min

uint32 SmartAction::min

◆ minHP

uint32 SmartAction::minHP

◆ minId

uint32 SmartAction::minId

◆ model

uint32 SmartAction::model


struct { ... } SmartAction::morphOrMount

◆ move [1/2]

◆  [2/2]

struct { ... } SmartAction::move

◆ movementExpired

uint32 SmartAction::movementExpired


struct { ... } SmartAction::movementFlag


struct { ... } SmartAction::movementSpeed

◆ movementType

uint32 SmartAction::movementType


struct { ... } SmartAction::moveRandom


struct { ... } SmartAction::moveToPos


struct { ... } SmartAction::movie


◆ newPower

uint32 SmartAction::newPower

◆ onlySelf [1/2]

SAIBool SmartAction::onlySelf

◆ onlySelf [2/2]

uint32 SmartAction::onlySelf


struct { ... } SmartAction::orientation


struct { ... } SmartAction::orientationTarget

◆ param1

◆ param2

◆ param3

◆ param4

◆ param5

◆ param6

◆ pathID

uint32 SmartAction::pathID

◆ pathId

uint32 SmartAction::pathId

◆ pathId1

uint32 SmartAction::pathId1

◆ pathId2

uint32 SmartAction::pathId2

◆ percent

uint32 SmartAction::percent

◆ phase

uint32 SmartAction::phase

◆ phaseMax

uint32 SmartAction::phaseMax

◆ phaseMin

uint32 SmartAction::phaseMin

◆ phases

std::array<uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT> SmartAction::phases

◆ phi_delta

uint32 SmartAction::phi_delta


struct { ... } SmartAction::playerTalk

◆ pointId

uint32 SmartAction::pointId


struct { ... } SmartAction::power

◆ powerType

uint32 SmartAction::powerType

◆ quest [1/2]

◆  [2/2]

struct { ... } SmartAction::quest

◆ questID

uint32 SmartAction::questID


struct { ... } SmartAction::questOffer

◆ quickChange

uint32 SmartAction::quickChange

◆ r_max

uint32 SmartAction::r_max


struct { ... } SmartAction::radialSummon

◆ random

uint32 SmartAction::random


struct { ... } SmartAction::randomEmote


struct { ... } SmartAction::randomMusic


struct { ... } SmartAction::randomPhase


struct { ... } SmartAction::randomPhaseRange


struct { ... } SmartAction::randomSound


struct { ... } SmartAction::randomTimedEvent


struct { ... } SmartAction::randRangeTimedActionList


struct { ... } SmartAction::randTimedActionList

◆ range

uint32 SmartAction::range


struct { ... } SmartAction::raw

Note for any new future actions All parameters must have type uint32

Referenced by SmartAIMgr::CheckUnusedActionParams(), SmartScript::CreateSmartEvent(), and SmartAIMgr::LoadSmartAIFromDB().


◆ reactState

uint32 SmartAction::reactState

◆ regenHealth

SAIBool SmartAction::regenHealth


struct { ... } SmartAction::removeAura

◆ removeObjectFromWorld

SAIBool SmartAction::removeObjectFromWorld

◆ repeat

SAIBool SmartAction::repeat

◆ repeatMax

uint32 SmartAction::repeatMax

◆ repeatMin

uint32 SmartAction::repeatMin

◆ repetitions

uint32 SmartAction::repetitions

◆ reset [1/2]

SAIBool SmartAction::reset

◆ reset [2/2]

uint32 SmartAction::reset

◆ respawnDelay

uint32 SmartAction::respawnDelay


struct { ... } SmartAction::RespawnTarget

◆ root

SAIBool SmartAction::root

◆ run

SAIBool SmartAction::run

◆ scale

uint32 SmartAction::scale


struct { ... } SmartAction::scriptSpawn

◆ selfJump

uint32 SmartAction::selfJump


struct { ... } SmartAction::sendGoCustomAnim


struct { ... } SmartAction::sendGossipMenu


struct { ... } SmartAction::sendTargetToTarget


struct { ... } SmartAction::setActive


struct { ... } SmartAction::setCounter


struct { ... } SmartAction::setData


struct { ... } SmartAction::setEventPhase



struct { ... } SmartAction::setGoLootState


struct { ... } SmartAction::setGuid


struct { ... } SmartAction::setHealthPct


struct { ... } SmartAction::setHealthRegen


struct { ... } SmartAction::setHomePos


struct { ... } SmartAction::setHover


struct { ... } SmartAction::setInstanceData


struct { ... } SmartAction::setInstanceData64


struct { ... } SmartAction::setRangedMovement


struct { ... } SmartAction::setRoot



struct { ... } SmartAction::setScale


struct { ... } SmartAction::setSheath


struct { ... } SmartAction::setSwim


struct { ... } SmartAction::setunitByte

◆ sheath

uint32 SmartAction::sheath


struct { ... } SmartAction::sightDistance


struct { ... } SmartAction::simpleTalk

◆ slots

std::array<uint32, MAX_EQUIPMENT_ITEMS> SmartAction::slots

◆ sound [1/2]

◆  [2/2]

struct { ... } SmartAction::sound

◆ sound1

uint32 SmartAction::sound1

◆ sound2

uint32 SmartAction::sound2

◆ sound3

uint32 SmartAction::sound3

◆ sound4

uint32 SmartAction::sound4

◆ spawnPos

uint32 SmartAction::spawnPos

◆ spawnTimerMax

uint32 SmartAction::spawnTimerMax

◆ spawnTimerMin

uint32 SmartAction::spawnTimerMin

◆ speed

uint32 SmartAction::speed

◆ speedFraction

uint32 SmartAction::speedFraction

◆ speedInteger

uint32 SmartAction::speedInteger

◆ speedxy

uint32 SmartAction::speedxy

◆ speedz

uint32 SmartAction::speedz

◆ spell

uint32 SmartAction::spell

◆ spell_id

uint32 SmartAction::spell_id


struct { ... } SmartAction::spellVisual

◆ startAngle

uint32 SmartAction::startAngle

◆ state [1/2]

uint32 SmartAction::state

◆ state [2/2]

SAIBool SmartAction::state

◆ stepAngle

uint32 SmartAction::stepAngle


struct { ... } SmartAction::stopMotion

◆ stopMovement

uint32 SmartAction::stopMovement


struct { ... } SmartAction::storeTargets

◆ subtract

uint32 SmartAction::subtract


struct { ... } SmartAction::summonCreature

◆ summonDuration

uint32 SmartAction::summonDuration

◆ summonEntry

uint32 SmartAction::summonEntry


struct { ... } SmartAction::summonGO

◆ summonType

uint32 SmartAction::summonType


struct { ... } SmartAction::summonVortex

◆ swim

SAIBool SmartAction::swim


◆ targetParam1

uint32 SmartAction::targetParam1

◆ targetParam2

uint32 SmartAction::targetParam2

◆ targetParam3

uint32 SmartAction::targetParam3

◆ targetParam4

uint32 SmartAction::targetParam4

◆ targetsLimit

uint32 SmartAction::targetsLimit

◆ targetsummon

uint32 SmartAction::targetsummon

◆ targetType

uint32 SmartAction::targetType


struct { ... } SmartAction::taxi


struct { ... } SmartAction::teleport

◆ textGroupID

uint32 SmartAction::textGroupID

◆ textId

uint32 SmartAction::textId


struct { ... } SmartAction::threat

◆ threatDEC

uint32 SmartAction::threatDEC

◆ threatINC

uint32 SmartAction::threatINC


struct { ... } SmartAction::threatPCT


struct { ... } SmartAction::timedActionList


struct { ... } SmartAction::timeEvent

◆ timer

uint32 SmartAction::timer

◆ timerType

uint32 SmartAction::timerType

Referenced by SmartScript::SetScript9().

◆ transport

SAIBool SmartAction::transport

◆ triggerFlags

uint32 SmartAction::triggerFlags

◆ turnAngle

uint32 SmartAction::turnAngle

◆ type [1/2]

◆ type [2/2]

uint32 SmartAction::type


struct { ... } SmartAction::unitFlag

◆ updateLevel

SAIBool SmartAction::updateLevel


struct { ... } SmartAction::updateTemplate

◆ useTalkTarget

SAIBool SmartAction::useTalkTarget

◆ value

uint32 SmartAction::value


struct { ... } SmartAction::visibility

◆ visualId

uint32 SmartAction::visualId

◆ withDelayed

SAIBool SmartAction::withDelayed

◆ withEmote [1/2]

SAIBool SmartAction::withEmote

◆ withEmote [2/2]

uint32 SmartAction::withEmote

◆ withInstant

SAIBool SmartAction::withInstant


struct { ... } SmartAction::wpData


struct { ... } SmartAction::wpDataRandom


struct { ... } SmartAction::wpPause

◆ wps

std::array<uint32, SMART_ACTION_PARAM_COUNT> SmartAction::wps


struct { ... } SmartAction::wpStart
