Class Unit [-] [+]
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject
AddAura |
Adds the Aura of the given spell entry on the given target from the Unit. |
AddThreat |
Adds threat to the Unit from the victim. |
AddUnitState |
Adds the given unit state for the Unit. |
Attack |
The Unit tries to attack a given target |
AttackStop |
The Unit stops attacking its target |
CastCustomSpell |
Casts the Spell at target Unit with custom basepoints or casters. See also Unit:CastSpell. |
CastSpell |
Makes the Unit cast the spell on the target. |
CastSpellAoF |
Makes the Unit cast the spell to the given coordinates, used for area effect spells. |
ClearInCombat |
Clears the Unit's combat |
ClearThreat |
Clear the threat of a Unit in the threat list. |
ClearThreatList |
Clears the Unit's threat list. |
ClearUnitState |
Removes the given unit state from the Unit. |
CountPctFromCurHealth |
Returns calculated percentage from Health |
CountPctFromMaxHealth |
Returns calculated percentage from Max Health |
DeMorph |
Unmorphs the Unit setting it's display ID back to the native display ID. |
DealDamage | |
DealHeal | |
Dismount |
Dismounts the Unit. |
EmoteState |
Makes the Unit perform the given emote continuously. |
GetAttackers |
Returns the Unit's attackers. |
GetAura |
Returns the Aura of the given spell entry on the Unit or nil. |
GetBaseSpellPower |
Returns the Unit's base spell power |
GetCharmGUID |
Returns the GUID of the Unit's charmed entity. |
GetCharmerGUID |
Returns the Unit's charmer's GUID. |
GetClass |
Returns the Unit's class ID. |
GetClassAsString |
Returns the Unit's class' name in given or default locale or nil. |
GetClassMask |
Returns the class mask |
GetControllerGUID |
Returns the GUID of the Unit's charmer or owner. |
GetControllerGUIDS |
Returns the GUID of the Unit's charmer or owner or its own GUID. |
GetCreatorGUID |
Returns the Unit's creator's GUID. |
GetCreatureType |
Returns the Unit's creature type ID (enumerated in CreatureType.dbc). |
GetCritterGUID |
Returns the Critter Guid |
GetCurrentSpell |
Returns the currently casted Spell of given type or nil. |
GetDisplayId |
Returns the Unit's current display ID. |
GetFaction |
Returns the Unit's faction ID. |
GetFriendlyUnitsInRange |
Returns a table containing friendly Unit's within given range of the Unit. |
GetGender |
Returns the Unit's gender. |
GetHealth |
Returns the Unit's health amount. |
GetHealthPct |
Returns the Unit's health percent. |
GetLevel |
Returns the Unit's level. |
GetMaxHealth |
Returns the Unit's max health. |
GetMaxPower |
Returns the Unit's max power amount for given power type. |
GetMountId |
Returns the Unit's mount's modelID. |
GetMovementType |
Returns the current movement type for this Unit. |
GetNativeDisplayId |
Returns the Unit's native/original display ID. |
GetOwner |
Returns the Unit's owner. |
GetOwnerGUID |
Returns the Unit's owner's GUID. |
GetPetGUID |
Returns the GUID of the Unit's pet. |
GetPower |
Returns the Unit's power amount for given power type. |
GetPowerPct |
Returns the Unit's power percent for given power type. |
GetPowerType |
Returns the Unit's current power type. |
GetRace |
Returns the Unit's race ID. |
GetRaceAsString |
Returns the Unit's race's name in given or default locale or nil. |
GetRaceMask |
Returns the race mask |
GetSpeed |
Returns the Unit's speed of given [UnitMoveType]. |
GetSpeedRate |
Returns the Unit's speed rate of given [UnitMoveType]. |
GetStandState |
Returns the Unit's current stand state. |
GetStat |
Returns Unit's specified stat |
GetThreat |
Returns the threat of a Unit. |
GetThreatList |
Returns the Unit's threat list. |
GetUnfriendlyUnitsInRange |
Returns a table containing unfriendly Unit's within given range of the Unit. |
GetVehicle | |
GetVehicleKit | |
GetVictim |
Returns the Unit's current victim target or nil. |
HandleStatModifier |
The Unit modifies a specific stat |
HasAura |
Returns true if the Unit has an aura from the given spell entry. |
HasUnitState |
Returns true if the Unit has the given unit state. |
HealthAbovePct |
Returns true if the Unit's health is above the given percentage. |
HealthBelowPct |
Returns true if the Unit's health is below the given percentage. |
InterruptSpell |
Interrupts Unit's spell state, casting, etc. |
IsAlive |
Returns true if the Unit is alive. |
IsArmorer |
Returns true if the Unit is an armorer and can repair equipment. |
IsAttackingPlayer |
Returns true if the Unit is attacking a player. |
IsAuctioneer |
Returns true if the Unit an auctioneer. |
IsBanker |
Returns true if the Unit is a banker. |
IsBattleMaster |
Returns true if the Unit is a battle master. |
IsCasting |
Returns true if the Unit is casting a spell |
IsCharmed |
Returns true if the Unit is a charmed. |
IsDead |
Returns true if the Unit is dead. |
IsDying |
Returns true if the Unit is dying. |
IsFullHealth |
Returns true if the Unit has full health. |
IsGossip |
Returns true if the Unit is able to show a gossip window. |
IsGuildMaster |
Returns true if the Unit a guild master. |
IsInAccessiblePlaceFor |
Returns true if the Unit is in an accessible place for the given Creature. |
IsInCombat |
Returns true if the Unit is in combat. |
IsInWater |
Returns true if the Unit is in water. |
IsInnkeeper |
Returns true if the Unit an innkeeper. |
IsMounted |
Returns true if the Unit is mounted. |
IsOnVehicle | |
IsPvPFlagged |
Returns true if the Unit flagged for PvP. |
IsQuestGiver |
Returns true if the Unit is a quest giver. |
IsRooted |
Returns true if the Unit is rooted. |
IsServiceProvider |
Returns true if the Unit provides services like vendor, training and auction. |
IsSpiritGuide |
Returns true if the Unit is a spirit guide. |
IsSpiritHealer |
Returns true if the Unit is a spirit healer. |
IsSpiritService |
Returns true if the Unit is a spirit guide or spirit healer. |
IsStandState |
Returns true if the Unit is standing. |
IsStopped |
Returns true if the Unit is not moving. |
IsTabardDesigner |
Returns true if the Unit is a tabard designer. |
IsTaxi |
Returns true if the Unit is a taxi master. |
IsTrainer |
Returns true if the Unit a trainer. |
IsUnderWater |
Returns true if the Unit is under water. |
IsVendor |
Returns true if the Unit is a vendor. |
Kill | |
ModifyPower |
modifies the Unit's power amount for the given power type. |
ModifyThreatPct |
Modifies threat in pct to the Unit from the victim |
Mount |
Mounts the Unit on the given displayID/modelID. |
MoveChase |
The Unit will chase the target |
MoveClear |
Clears the Unit's movement |
MoveConfused |
The Unit will move confused |
MoveExpire |
The Unit's movement expires and clears movement |
MoveFleeing |
The Unit will flee |
MoveFollow |
The Unit will follow the target |
MoveHome |
The Unit will move to its set home location |
MoveIdle |
The Unit will be idle |
MoveJump |
Makes the Unit jump to the coordinates |
MoveRandom |
The Unit will move at random |
MoveStop |
Stops the Unit's movement |
MoveTo |
The Unit will move to the coordinates |
NearTeleport |
Makes the Unit teleport to given coordinates within same map. |
PerformEmote |
Makes the Unit perform the given emote. |
RemoveAllAuras | |
RemoveArenaAuras | |
RemoveAura | |
ResetAllThreat |
Resets the Unit's threat list, setting all threat targets' threat to 0. |
SendChatMessageToPlayer |
Sends chat message to Player |
SendUnitEmote |
The Unit will emote the message |
SendUnitSay |
The Unit will say the message |
SendUnitWhisper | |
SendUnitYell |
The Unit will yell the message |
SetConfused |
Confuses the Unit, if 'false' specified, the Unit is no longer confused. |
SetCreatorGUID |
Sets creator GUID |
SetCritterGUID | |
SetDisplayId |
Sets the Unit's modelID. |
SetFFA |
Sets the Unit's FFA flag on or off. |
SetFacing |
Sets the Unit's facing/orientation. |
SetFacingToObject |
Sets the Unit to face the given WorldObject's direction. |
SetFaction |
Sets the Unit's faction. |
SetFeared |
Fears the Unit, if 'false' specified, the Unit is no longer feared. |
SetHealth |
Sets the Unit's health. |
SetImmuneTo |
Sets a mechanic immunity for the Unit. |
SetInCombatWith | |
SetLevel |
Sets the Unit's level. |
SetMaxHealth |
Sets the Unit's max health. |
SetMaxPower |
Sets the Unit's max power amount for the given power type. |
SetName |
Sets the Unit's name internally. |
SetNativeDisplayId |
Sets the Unit's native/default modelID. |
SetOwnerGUID |
Sets the Unit's owner GUID to given GUID. |
SetPetGUID |
Sets pet GUID |
SetPower |
Sets the Unit's power amount for the given power type. |
SetPowerType |
Sets the Unit's power type. |
SetPvP |
Sets the Unit's PvP on or off. |
SetRooted |
Roots the Unit to the ground, if 'false' specified, unroots the Unit. |
SetSanctuary |
Sets the Unit's sanctuary flag on or off. |
SetSheath |
Sets the Unit's sheath state. |
SetSpeed |
Sets the Unit's speed of given [UnitMoveType] to given speed. If forced, packets sent to clients forcing the visual change. |
SetSpeedRate |
Sets the Unit's speed rate of given [UnitMoveType] to given rate. If forced, packets sent to clients forcing the visual change. |
SetStandState |
Sets the Unit's stand state |
SetWaterWalk |
Toggles (Sets) Unit's water walking |
StopSpellCast |
Stops the Unit's current spell cast |