Class SpellEntry [-] [+]
GetActiveIconID |
Returns the active icon ID for the SpellEntry. |
GetAreaGroupId | |
GetAttributes |
Returns the attribute bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAttributesEx |
Returns the attributeEx bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAttributesEx2 |
Returns the attributeEx2 bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAttributesEx3 |
Returns the attributeEx3 bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAttributesEx4 |
Returns the attributeEx4 bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAttributesEx5 |
Returns the attributeEx5 bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAttributesEx6 |
Returns the attributeEx6 bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAttributesEx7 |
Returns the attributeEx7 bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetAuraInterruptFlags | |
GetBaseLevel |
Returns the base level required for the SpellEntry. |
GetCasterAuraSpell | |
GetCasterAuraState | |
GetCasterAuraStateNot | |
GetCastingTimeIndex | |
GetCategory |
Returns the category ID for the SpellEntry. |
GetCategoryRecoveryTime |
Returns the category recovery time for the SpellEntry. |
GetChannelInterruptFlags | |
GetDispel |
Returns the dispel ID for the SpellEntry. |
GetDmgClass |
Returns the spell damage type ID SpellEntry. |
GetDurationIndex |
Returns the duration index for the SpellEntry. |
GetEffect |
Returns a table with all spell effect IDs for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectAmplitude |
Returns a table with all effect amplitude values for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectApplyAuraName |
Returns a table with all effect apply aura IDs for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectBasePoints |
Returns a table with all effect base points values for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectBonusMultiplier |
Returns a table with all effect bonus multiplier values SpellEntry. |
GetEffectChainTarget |
Returns a table with all effect chain target values for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectDamageMultiplier |
Returns a table with all effect damage multiplier values SpellEntry. |
GetEffectDieSides |
Returns a table with all effect die sides values for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectImplicitTargetA |
Returns a table with all effect implicit target a IDs for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectImplicitTargetB |
Returns a table with all effect implicit target b IDs for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectItemType |
Returns a table with all effect item type values for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectMechanic |
Returns a table with all effect mechanic IDs for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectMiscValue |
Returns a table with all effect misc value A for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectMiscValueB |
Returns a table with all effect misc value B for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectPointsPerComboPoint |
Returns a table with all effect points per combo point of SpellEntry |
GetEffectRadiusIndex |
Returns a table with all effect radius index for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectRealPointsPerLevel |
Returns a table with all effect real points per level values for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectSpellClassMask | |
GetEffectTriggerSpell |
Returns a table with all effect trigger spell for SpellEntry. |
GetEffectValueMultiplier |
Returns a table with all effect value multiplier for SpellEntry. |
GetEquippedItemClass |
Returns the equipped item class ID for SpellEntry. |
GetEquippedItemInventoryTypeMask |
Returns the equipped item inventory type masks for SpellEntry. |
GetEquippedItemSubClassMask |
Returns the equipped item sub class masks for SpellEntry. |
GetExcludeCasterAuraSpell | |
GetExcludeTargetAuraSpell | |
GetFacingCasterFlags | |
GetId |
Returns the ID of the SpellEntry. |
GetInterruptFlags | |
GetManaCost |
Returns the mana cost for the SpellEntry. |
GetManaCostPercentage |
Returns the mana cost percentage of SpellEntry. |
GetManaCostPerlevel |
Returns the mana cost per level for SpellEntry. |
GetManaPerSecond |
Returns the mana per second for SpellEntry. |
GetManaPerSecondPerLevel |
Returns the mana per second per level for SpellEntry. |
GetMaxAffectedTargets |
Returns the max affected targets value SpellEntry. |
GetMaxLevel |
Returns the max level for the SpellEntry. |
GetMaxTargetLevel |
Returns the max target level value for SpellEntry. |
GetMechanic |
Returns the mechanic ID for the SpellEntry. |
GetPowerType |
Returns the power type ID for the SpellEntry. |
GetPreventionType |
Returns the prevention type ID SpellEntry. |
GetProcChance |
Returns the proc chance of SpellEntry. |
GetProcCharges |
Returns the proc charges of SpellEntry. |
GetProcFlags | |
GetRangeIndex |
Returns the range index for SpellEntry. |
GetRank |
Returns a table of the SpellEntry ranks. |
GetReagent |
Returns a table with all reagent values for SpellEntry. |
GetReagentCount |
Returns a table with all reagent count values for SpellEntry. |
GetRecoveryTime |
Returns the recovery time for the SpellEntry. |
GetRequiresSpellFocus | |
GetRuneCostID |
Returns the rune cost id for the SpellEntry. |
GetSchoolMask |
Returns the school mask of SpellEntry. |
GetSpeed |
Returns speed for SpellEntry. |
GetSpellFamilyFlags | |
GetSpellFamilyName | |
GetSpellIconID |
Returns the spell icon ID for the SpellEntry. |
GetSpellLevel |
Returns the spell level for the SpellEntry. |
GetSpellName |
Returns a table of the SpellEntry names of all locals. |
GetSpellPriority |
Returns the spell Priority for the SpellEntry. |
GetSpellVisual |
Returns a table with both spell visuals of SpellEntry |
GetStackAmount |
Returns the stack amount for SpellEntry. |
GetStances |
Returns the stance bitflags for the SpellEntry. |
GetStancesNot | |
GetStartRecoveryCategory |
Returns the global cooldown time value for SpellEntry. |
GetStartRecoveryTime |
Returns the global cooldown category value for SpellEntry. |
GetTargetAuraSpell | |
GetTargetAuraState | |
GetTargetAuraStateNot | |
GetTargetCreatureType |
Returns the target creature type bitmasks for the SpellEntry. |
GetTargets |
Returns the target bitmasks for the SpellEntry. |
GetTotem |
Returns a table with all totem values for SpellEntry. |
GetTotemCategory |
Returns a table with totem categories IDs SpellEntry. |