Method Global:RegisterPlayerEvent [-] [+]

Registers a Player event handler.

enum PlayerEvents
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_CREATE        =     1,        // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHARACTER_DELETE        =     2,        // (event, guid)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGIN                   =     3,        // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOGOUT                  =     4,        // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SPELL_CAST              =     5,        // (event, player, spell, skipCheck)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_PLAYER             =     6,        // (event, killer, killed)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILL_CREATURE           =     7,        // (event, killer, killed)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_KILLED_BY_CREATURE      =     8,        // (event, killer, killed)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_REQUEST            =     9,        // (event, target, challenger)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_START              =     10,       // (event, player1, player2)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_DUEL_END                =     11,       // (event, winner, loser, type)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GIVE_XP                 =     12,       // (event, player, amount, victim, source) - Can return new XP amount
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEVEL_CHANGE            =     13,       // (event, player, oldLevel)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MONEY_CHANGE            =     14,       // (event, player, amount) - Can return new money amount
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPUTATION_CHANGE       =     15,       // (event, player, factionId, standing, incremental) - Can return new standing -> if standing == -1, it will prevent default action (rep gain)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_CHANGE          =     16,       // (event, player, points)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TALENTS_RESET           =     17,       // (event, player, noCost)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHAT                    =     18,       // (event, player, msg, Type, lang) - Can return false, newMessage
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_WHISPER                 =     19,       // (event, player, msg, Type, lang, receiver) - Can return false, newMessage
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GROUP_CHAT              =     20,       // (event, player, msg, Type, lang, group) - Can return false, newMessage
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GUILD_CHAT              =     21,       // (event, player, msg, Type, lang, guild) - Can return false, newMessage
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CHANNEL_CHAT            =     22,       // (event, player, msg, Type, lang, channel) - channel is negative for custom channels. Can return false, newMessage
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EMOTE                   =     23,       // (event, player, emote) - Not triggered on any known emote
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_TEXT_EMOTE              =     24,       // (event, player, textEmote, emoteNum, guid)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_SAVE                    =     25,       // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_BIND_TO_INSTANCE        =     26,       // (event, player, difficulty, mapid, permanent)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_UPDATE_ZONE             =     27,       // (event, player, newZone, newArea)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_MAP_CHANGE              =     28,       // (event, player)

    // Custom
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_EQUIP                   =     29,       // (event, player, item, bag, slot)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_FIRST_LOGIN             =     30,       // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_USE_ITEM            =     31,       // (event, player, itemEntry) - Can return InventoryResult enum value
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_ITEM               =     32,       // (event, player, item, count)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_ENTER_COMBAT            =     33,       // (event, player, enemy)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEAVE_COMBAT            =     34,       // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_REPOP                   =     35,       // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_RESURRECT               =     36,       // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LOOT_MONEY              =     37,       // (event, player, amount)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_QUEST_ABANDON           =     38,       // (event, player, questId)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEARN_TALENTS           =     39,       // (event, player, talentId, talentRank, spellid)
    // UNUSED                               =     40,       // (event, player)
    // UNUSED                               =     41,       // (event, player)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_COMMAND                 =     42,       // (event, player, command, chatHandler) - player is nil if command used from console. Can return false
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_PET_ADDED_TO_WORLD      =     43,       // (event, player, pet)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_LEARN_SPELL             =     44,       // (event, player, spellId)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETE    =     45,       // (event, player, achievement)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_FFAPVP_CHANGE           =     46,       // (event, player, hasFfaPvp)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_UPDATE_AREA             =     47,       // (event, player, oldArea, newArea)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_INIT_TRADE          =     48,       // (event, player, target) - Can return false to prevent the trade
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_SEND_MAIL           =     49,       // (event, player, receiverGuid, mailbox, subject, body, money, cod, item) - Can return false to prevent sending the mail
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_JOIN_LFG            =     50,       // (event, player, roles, dungeons, comment) - Can return false to prevent queueing
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_QUEST_REWARD_ITEM       =     51,       //  (event, player, item, count)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CREATE_ITEM             =     52,       //  (event, player, item, count)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_STORE_NEW_ITEM          =     53,       //  (event, player, item, count)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_COMPLETE_QUEST          =     54,       // (event, player, quest)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_GROUP_INVITE        =     55,       // (event, player, memberName) - Can return false to prevent inviting
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GROUP_ROLL_REWARD_ITEM  =     56,       // (event, player, item, count, voteType, roll)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_BG_DESERTION            =     57,       // (event, player, type)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_PET_KILL                =     58,       // (event, player, killer)
    PLAYER_EVENT_ON_CAN_RESURRECT           =     59,       // (event, player)


cancel = RegisterPlayerEvent( event, function )

cancel = RegisterPlayerEvent( event, function, shots )


number event

Player event Id, refer to PlayerEvents above.

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

function function

Function to register.

number shots (0)

The number of times the function will be called, 0 means "always call this function".

Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.


function cancel

A function that cancels the binding when called.

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