Method Global:GetGossipMenuOptionLocale [-] [+]
Gets the localized OptionText and BoxText for a specific gossip menu option. If the text for the specified locale is not found, it returns the default text.
@return string, string : The localized OptionText and BoxText for the gossip menu option, or the default text if no localization is found.
GetGossipMenuOptionLocale( menuId, optionId, locale )
number menuId
The ID of the gossip menu..
Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
number optionId
The ID of the gossip menu option..
Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
number locale
The locale to retrieve the text for. 0 represents the default locale..
Valid numbers: integers from 0 to 255.