AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for debug_commandscript, including all inherited members.
_name | ScriptObject | private |
_totalAvailableHooks | ScriptObject | private |
checkValidity() | ScriptObject | inlinevirtual |
CommandScript(const char *name) | CommandScript | protected |
debug_commandscript() | debug_commandscript | inline |
GetCommands() const override | debug_commandscript | inlinevirtual |
GetName() const | ScriptObject | inline |
GetTotalAvailableHooks() | ScriptObject | inline |
HandleDebugAnimCommand(ChatHandler *handler, Emote emote) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugAreaTriggersCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugArenaCommand(ChatHandler *) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugBattlegroundCommand(ChatHandler *) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugCooldownCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 spell_id, uint32 end_time, Optional< uint32 > item_id) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugDummyCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugDungeonFinderCommand(ChatHandler *) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugEnterVehicleCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 entry, Optional< int8 > seatId) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugGetItemStateCommand(ChatHandler *handler, std::string itemState) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugGetItemValueCommand(ChatHandler *handler, ObjectGuid::LowType guid, uint32 index) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugGetLootRecipientCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugGetValueCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 index, bool isInt) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugHostileRefListCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugItemExpireCommand(ChatHandler *handler, ObjectGuid::LowType guid) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugLoSCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugMod32ValueCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 index, uint32 value) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugMoveflagsCommand(ChatHandler *handler, Optional< uint32 > moveFlags, Optional< uint32 > moveFlagsExtra) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugObjectCountCommand(ChatHandler *handler, Optional< uint32 > mapId) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugObjectCountMap(ChatHandler *handler, Map *map) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugPlayCinematicCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 cinematicId) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugPlayMovieCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 movieId) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugPlayMusicCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 musicId) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugPlaySoundCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 soundId) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendBuyErrorCommand(ChatHandler *handler, BuyResult error) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendChannelNotifyCommand(ChatHandler *handler, ChatNotify type) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendChatMsgCommand(ChatHandler *handler, ChatMsg type) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendEquipErrorCommand(ChatHandler *handler, InventoryResult error) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendLargePacketCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendOpcodeCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendQuestInvalidMsgCommand(ChatHandler *handler, QuestFailedReason msg) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendQuestPartyMsgCommand(ChatHandler *handler, QuestShareMessages msg) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendSellErrorCommand(ChatHandler *handler, SellResult error) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendSetPhaseShiftCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 phaseShift) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSendSpellFailCommand(ChatHandler *handler, SpellCastResult result, Optional< uint32 > failArg1, Optional< uint32 > failArg2) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSet32BitCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 index, uint8 bit) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSetAuraStateCommand(ChatHandler *handler, Optional< AuraStateType > state, bool apply) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSetItemValueCommand(ChatHandler *handler, ObjectGuid::LowType guid, uint32 index, uint32 value) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSetValueCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 index, Variant< uint32, float > value) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSetVehicleIdCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 id) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugSpawnVehicleCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 entry, Optional< uint32 > id) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugThreatListCommand(ChatHandler *handler) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugUnitStateCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 unitState) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugUpdateCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 index, Optional< uint32 > value) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugUpdateWorldStateCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 variable, uint32 value) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleDebugVisualCommand(ChatHandler *handler, uint32 visualId) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
HandleWPGPSCommand(ChatHandler *handler, Optional< std::string > type) | debug_commandscript | inlinestatic |
isAfterLoadScript() const | ScriptObject | inlinevirtual |
IsDatabaseBound() const | ScriptObject | inlinevirtual |
ScriptObject(const char *name, uint16 totalAvailableHooks=0) | ScriptObject | inlineprotected |
~ScriptObject()=default | ScriptObject | protectedvirtual |