AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for OutdoorPvPEP, including all inherited members.
_capturePoints | OutdoorPvP | protected |
_creatureScriptStore | OutdoorPvP | protected |
_goScriptStore | OutdoorPvP | protected |
_map | OutdoorPvP | protected |
_players | OutdoorPvP | protected |
_sendUpdate | OutdoorPvP | protected |
_typeId | OutdoorPvP | protected |
AddCapturePoint(OPvPCapturePoint *cp) | OutdoorPvP | inlineprotected |
AwardKillBonus(Player *) | OutdoorPvP | inlinevirtual |
BroadcastPacket(WorldPacket &data) const | OutdoorPvP | protected |
BuffTeams() | OutdoorPvPEP | |
CanTalkTo(Player *player, Creature *c, GossipMenuItems const &gso) | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
CreatureScriptPair typedef | OutdoorPvP | |
DeleteSpawns() | OutdoorPvP | |
EP_ControlsId | OutdoorPvPEP | private |
FillInitialWorldStates(WorldPacket &data) override | OutdoorPvPEP | virtual |
GetCapturePoint(ObjectGuid::LowType spawnId) const | OutdoorPvP | protected |
GetCreatureEntry(ObjectGuid::LowType, CreatureData const *data) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
GetData(uint32) const | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
GetData64(uint32) const | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
GetGameObjectEntry(ObjectGuid::LowType, uint32 entry) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
GetGuidData(uint32) const | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
GetMap() const | OutdoorPvP | inline |
GetTypeId() const | OutdoorPvP | inline |
GoScriptPair typedef | OutdoorPvP | |
HandleAreaTrigger(Player *player, uint32 trigger) | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
HandleCustomSpell(Player *player, uint32 spellId, GameObject *go) | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
HandleDropFlag(Player *player, uint32 spellId) | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
HandleGossipOption(Player *player, Creature *creature, uint32 gossipId) | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
HandleKill(Player *killer, Unit *killed) | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
HandleKillImpl(Player *, Unit *) | OutdoorPvP | inlinevirtual |
HandleOpenGo(Player *player, GameObject *go) | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
HandlePlayerEnterZone(Player *player, uint32 zone) override | OutdoorPvPEP | virtual |
HandlePlayerLeaveZone(Player *player, uint32 zone) override | OutdoorPvPEP | virtual |
HandlePlayerResurrects(Player *player, uint32 zone) | OutdoorPvP | protectedvirtual |
HasPlayer(Player const *player) const | OutdoorPvP | protected |
IsInsideObjective(Player *player) const | OutdoorPvP | |
m_AllianceTowersControlled | OutdoorPvPEP | private |
m_HordeTowersControlled | OutdoorPvPEP | private |
OnCreatureCreate(Creature *creature) override | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
OnCreatureEvade(Creature *) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
OnCreatureRemove(Creature *creature) override | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
OnGameObjectCreate(GameObject *go) override | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
OnGameObjectRemove(GameObject *go) override | OutdoorPvP | virtual |
OnUnitDeath(Unit *) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
OPvPCapturePointMap typedef | OutdoorPvP | |
OutdoorPvP()=default | OutdoorPvP | |
OutdoorPvPEP() | OutdoorPvPEP | |
ProcessEvent(WorldObject *, uint32) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
RegisterZone(uint32 zoneid) | OutdoorPvP | protected |
SendRemoveWorldStates(Player *player) override | OutdoorPvPEP | virtual |
SendUpdateWorldState(uint32 field, uint32 value) | OutdoorPvP | |
SetControlledState(uint32 index, TeamId teamId) | OutdoorPvPEP | |
SetData(uint32, uint32) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
SetData64(uint32, uint64) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
SetGuidData(uint32, ObjectGuid) | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |
SetMapFromZone(uint32 zone) | OutdoorPvP | protected |
SetupOutdoorPvP() override | OutdoorPvPEP | virtual |
TeamApplyBuff(TeamId teamId, uint32 spellId, uint32 spellId2=0, Player *sameMapPlr=nullptr) | OutdoorPvP | |
TeamCastSpell(TeamId team, int32 spellId, Player *sameMapPlr=nullptr) | OutdoorPvP | protected |
Update(uint32 diff) override | OutdoorPvPEP | virtual |
ZoneScript() | ZoneScript | inline |
~OutdoorPvP() override | OutdoorPvP | |
~ZoneScript() | ZoneScript | inlinevirtual |