AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for npc_pos_freed_slave::npc_pos_freed_slaveAI, including all inherited members.
_boundary | CreatureAI | protected |
_EnterEvadeMode(EvadeReason why=EVADE_REASON_OTHER) | CreatureAI | protected |
_negateBoundary | CreatureAI | protected |
AddEscortState(uint32 uiEscortState) | SmartAI | inline |
AISpellInfo | UnitAI | static |
AssistPlayerInCombatAgainst(Unit *who) | SmartAI | private |
AttackedBy(Unit *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
AttackStart(Unit *who) override | SmartAI | virtual |
AttackStartCaster(Unit *victim, float dist) | UnitAI | |
BeforeSpellClick(Unit *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
CalculateThreat(Unit *, float &, SpellInfo const *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
CanAIAttack(Unit const *who) const override | npc_pos_freed_slave::npc_pos_freed_slaveAI | inlinevirtual |
CanAlwaysBeDetectable(WorldObject const *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
CanBeSeen(Player const *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
CanCombatMove() | SmartAI | inline |
CanRespawn() override | SmartAI | inlinevirtual |
CanSeeAlways(WorldObject const *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
CheckConditions(const uint32 diff) | SmartAI | private |
CheckInRoom() | CreatureAI | virtual |
conditions | SmartAI | private |
CorpseRemoved(uint32 &respawnDelay) override | SmartAI | virtual |
CreatureAI(Creature *creature) | CreatureAI | inlineexplicit |
DamageDealt(Unit *doneTo, uint32 &damage, DamageEffectType damagetyp) override | SmartAI | virtual |
DamageTaken(Unit *done_by, uint32 &damage, DamageEffectType damagetype, SpellSchoolMask damageSchoolMask) override | SmartAI | virtual |
DoAction(int32 param=0) override | SmartAI | virtual |
DoAddAuraToAllHostilePlayers(uint32 spellid) | UnitAI | |
DoCast(uint32 spellId) | UnitAI | |
DoCast(Unit *victim, uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) | UnitAI | |
DoCastAOE(uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) | UnitAI | |
DoCastMaxThreat(uint32 spellId, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=true, bool triggered=false) | UnitAI | |
DoCastRandomTarget(uint32 spellId, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=true, bool triggered=false, bool withTank=true) | UnitAI | |
DoCastSelf(uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) | UnitAI | inline |
DoCastToAllHostilePlayers(uint32 spellid, bool triggered=false) | UnitAI | |
DoCastVictim(uint32 spellId, bool triggered=false) | UnitAI | |
DoGetSpellMaxRange(uint32 spellId, bool positive=false) | UnitAI | |
DoMeleeAttackIfReady() | UnitAI | |
DoSpellAttackIfReady(uint32 spell) | UnitAI | |
DoSpellAttackToRandomTargetIfReady(uint32 spell, uint32 threatTablePosition=0, float dist=0.f, bool playerOnly=true) | UnitAI | |
DoSummon(uint32 entry, Position const &pos, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN) | CreatureAI | protected |
DoSummon(uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float radius=5.0f, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN) | CreatureAI | protected |
DoSummonFlyer(uint32 entry, WorldObject *obj, float flightZ, float radius=5.0f, uint32 despawnTime=30000, TempSummonType summonType=TEMPSUMMON_CORPSE_TIMED_DESPAWN) | CreatureAI | protected |
DoZoneInCombat(Creature *creature=nullptr, float maxRangeToNearestTarget=250.0f) | CreatureAI | |
EndPath(bool fail=false) | SmartAI | |
EnterEvadeMode(EvadeReason) override | npc_pos_freed_slave::npc_pos_freed_slaveAI | inlinevirtual |
EVADE_REASON_BOUNDARY enum value | CreatureAI | |
EVADE_REASON_NO_HOSTILES enum value | CreatureAI | |
EVADE_REASON_NO_PATH enum value | CreatureAI | |
EVADE_REASON_OTHER enum value | CreatureAI | |
EVADE_REASON_SEQUENCE_BREAK enum value | CreatureAI | |
EvadeReason enum name | CreatureAI | |
events | CreatureAI | protected |
FillAISpellInfo() | UnitAI | static |
GenerateWayPointArray(Movement::PointsArray *points) | SmartAI | |
GetBoundary() const | CreatureAI | inline |
GetData(uint32 id=0) const override | SmartAI | virtual |
GetDebugInfo() const | UnitAI | virtual |
GetGUID(int32 id=0) const override | SmartAI | virtual |
GetNextWayPoint() | SmartAI | |
GetScript() | SmartAI | inline |
GetSummoner() const | CreatureAI | |
GetThreatMgr() | UnitAI | private |
GetWPCount() | SmartAI | inlineprivate |
HasEscortState(uint32 uiEscortState) | SmartAI | inline |
HealDone(Unit *, uint32 &) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
HealReceived(Unit *doneBy, uint32 &addhealth) override | SmartAI | virtual |
InitializeAI() override | SmartAI | virtual |
IsAIControlled() const | SmartAI | |
IsEscorted() override | SmartAI | inlinevirtual |
IsEscortInvokerInRange() | SmartAI | |
IsInBoundary(Position const *who=nullptr) const | CreatureAI | |
IsInBounds(CreatureBoundary const &boundary, Position const *who) | CreatureAI | static |
IsSummonedBy(WorldObject *summoner) override | SmartAI | virtual |
JustDied(Unit *killer) override | SmartAI | virtual |
JustEngagedWith(Unit *enemy) override | SmartAI | virtual |
JustEnteredCombat(Unit *) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
JustExitedCombat() | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
JustReachedHome() override | SmartAI | virtual |
JustRespawned() override | SmartAI | virtual |
JustSummoned(Creature *creature) override | SmartAI | virtual |
KilledUnit(Unit *victim) override | SmartAI | virtual |
LoadPath(uint32 entry) | SmartAI | |
m_ConditionsTimer | SmartAI | private |
m_MoveInLineOfSight_locked | CreatureAI | private |
mCanAutoAttack | SmartAI | private |
mCanCombatMove | SmartAI | private |
mCanRepeatPath | SmartAI | private |
mcanSpawn | SmartAI | private |
mCurrentWPID | SmartAI | private |
mDespawnState | SmartAI | private |
mDespawnTime | SmartAI | private |
me | CreatureAI | protected |
mEscortInvokerCheckTimer | SmartAI | private |
mEscortNPCFlags | SmartAI | private |
mEscortQuestID | SmartAI | |
mEscortState | SmartAI | private |
mEvadeDisabled | SmartAI | private |
mFollowAngle | SmartAI | private |
mFollowArrivedAlive | SmartAI | private |
mFollowArrivedEntry | SmartAI | private |
mFollowArrivedTimer | SmartAI | private |
mFollowCredit | SmartAI | private |
mFollowCreditType | SmartAI | private |
mFollowDist | SmartAI | private |
mFollowGuid | SmartAI | private |
mForcedPaused | SmartAI | private |
mInvincibilityHpLevel | SmartAI | private |
mIsCharmed | SmartAI | private |
mJustReset | SmartAI | private |
mLastWP | SmartAI | private |
mOOCReached | SmartAI | private |
MoveAway(float distance) | SmartAI | |
MoveBackwardsChecks() | CreatureAI | |
MoveCircleChecks() | CreatureAI | |
MoveInLineOfSight(Unit *who) override | SmartAI | virtual |
MoveInLineOfSight_Safe(Unit *who) | CreatureAI | |
MovementInform(uint32 MovementType, uint32 Data) override | SmartAI | virtual |
MovepointReached(uint32 id) | SmartAI | |
mRun | SmartAI | private |
mScript | SmartAI | private |
mWayPoints | SmartAI | private |
mWPPauseTimer | SmartAI | private |
mWPReached | SmartAI | private |
npc_pos_freed_slaveAI(Creature *creature) | npc_pos_freed_slave::npc_pos_freed_slaveAI | inline |
OnAuraRemove(AuraApplication *, AuraRemoveMode) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
OnCalculateMeleeDamageReceived(uint32 &, Unit *) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
OnCalculatePeriodicTickReceived(uint32 &, Unit *) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
OnCalculateSpellDamageReceived(int32 &, Unit *) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
OnCharmed(bool apply) override | SmartAI | virtual |
OnPowerUpdate(Powers, int32, int32, uint32) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
OnSpellClick(Unit *clicker, bool &result) override | SmartAI | virtual |
OnTeleportUnreacheablePlayer(Player *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
OwnerAttacked(Unit *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
OwnerAttackedBy(Unit *) | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
PassengerBoarded(Unit *who, int8 seatId, bool apply) override | SmartAI | virtual |
PathEndReached(uint32 pathId) override | SmartAI | virtual |
PausePath(uint32 delay, bool forced=false) | SmartAI | |
Permissible(Creature const *) | SmartAI | inlinestatic |
PetStopAttack() | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
ReceiveEmote(Player *player, uint32 textEmote) override | SmartAI | virtual |
RemoveEscortState(uint32 uiEscortState) | SmartAI | inline |
Reset() | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
ResumePath() | SmartAI | |
ReturnToLastOOCPos() | SmartAI | private |
scheduler | CreatureAI | protected |
SelectTarget(SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0) | UnitAI | |
SelectTarget(SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position, PREDICATE const &predicate) | UnitAI | inline |
SelectTargetList(std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position=0, float dist=0.0f, bool playerOnly=false, bool withTank=true, int32 aura=0) | UnitAI | |
SelectTargetList(std::list< Unit * > &targetList, uint32 num, SelectTargetMethod targetType, uint32 position, PREDICATE const &predicate) | UnitAI | inline |
SetAutoAttack(bool on) | SmartAI | inline |
SetBoundary(CreatureBoundary const *boundary, bool negativeBoundaries=false) | CreatureAI | |
SetCanRespawn(bool canSpawn) | SmartAI | inline |
SetCombatMove(bool on, float chaseRange=0.0f) | SmartAI | |
SetData(uint32 id, uint32 value) override | SmartAI | inlinevirtual |
SetData(uint32 id, uint32 value, WorldObject *invoker) | SmartAI | |
SetDespawnTime(uint32 t) | SmartAI | inline |
SetEvadeDisabled(bool disable=true) | SmartAI | |
SetFly(bool fly=true) | SmartAI | |
SetFollow(Unit *target, float dist=0.0f, float angle=0.0f, uint32 credit=0, uint32 end=0, uint32 creditType=0, bool aliveState=true) | SmartAI | |
SetGazeOn(Unit *target) | CreatureAI | protected |
SetGUID(ObjectGuid guid, int32 id=0) override | SmartAI | virtual |
SetInvincibilityHpLevel(uint32 level) | SmartAI | inline |
SetRun(bool run=true) | SmartAI | |
SetScript9(SmartScriptHolder &e, uint32 entry, WorldObject *invoker) | SmartAI | |
SetSwim(bool swim=true) | SmartAI | |
SetWPPauseTimer(uint32 time) | SmartAI | inline |
sGossipHello(Player *player) override | SmartAI | virtual |
sGossipSelect(Player *player, uint32 sender, uint32 action) override | SmartAI | virtual |
sGossipSelectCode(Player *player, uint32 sender, uint32 action, const char *code) override | SmartAI | virtual |
SmartAI(Creature *c) | SmartAI | explicit |
sOnGameEvent(bool start, uint16 eventId) override | SmartAI | virtual |
SortByDistance(std::list< Unit * > &list, bool ascending=true) | UnitAI | private |
SpellHit(Unit *unit, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) override | SmartAI | virtual |
SpellHitTarget(Unit *target, SpellInfo const *spellInfo) override | SmartAI | virtual |
sQuestAccept(Player *player, Quest const *quest) override | SmartAI | virtual |
sQuestComplete(Player *, Quest const *) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
sQuestReward(Player *player, Quest const *quest, uint32 opt) override | SmartAI | virtual |
sQuestSelect(Player *, Quest const *) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
StartDespawn() | SmartAI | inline |
StartPath(bool run=false, uint32 path=0, bool repeat=false, Unit *invoker=nullptr) | SmartAI | |
StopFollow(bool complete) | SmartAI | |
StopPath(uint32 DespawnTime=0, uint32 quest=0, bool fail=false) | SmartAI | |
SummonedCreatureDespawn(Creature *unit) override | SmartAI | virtual |
SummonedCreatureDespawnAll() | CreatureAI | inlinevirtual |
SummonedCreatureDies(Creature *summon, Unit *killer) override | SmartAI | virtual |
SummonedCreatureEvade(Creature *summon) override | SmartAI | virtual |
SummonMovementInform(Creature *, uint32, uint32) | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |
Talk(uint8 id, WorldObject const *whisperTarget=nullptr, Milliseconds delay=0s) | CreatureAI | |
Talk(uint8 id, Milliseconds delay) | CreatureAI | inline |
TriggerAlert(Unit const *who) const | CreatureAI | |
UnitAI(Unit *unit) | UnitAI | inlineexplicit |
UpdateAI(uint32 diff) override | SmartAI | virtual |
UpdateDespawn(const uint32 diff) | SmartAI | private |
UpdatePath(const uint32 diff) | SmartAI | private |
UpdateVictim() | CreatureAI | protected |
UpdateVictimWithGaze() | CreatureAI | protected |
~CreatureAI() override | CreatureAI | inline |
~SmartAI() override | SmartAI | inline |
~UnitAI() | UnitAI | inlinevirtual |