AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for SmartScript, including all inherited members.
_allowPhaseReset | SmartScript | private |
_storedTargets | SmartScript | private |
_summonList | SmartScript | private |
AddCreatureSummon(ObjectGuid const &guid) | SmartScript | |
AddEvent(SMART_EVENT e, uint32 event_flags, uint32 event_param1, uint32 event_param2, uint32 event_param3, uint32 event_param4, uint32 event_param5, uint32 event_param6, SMART_ACTION action, uint32 action_param1, uint32 action_param2, uint32 action_param3, uint32 action_param4, uint32 action_param5, uint32 action_param6, SMARTAI_TARGETS t, uint32 target_param1, uint32 target_param2, uint32 target_param3, uint32 target_param4, uint32 phaseMask) | SmartScript | |
AllowPhaseReset() const | SmartScript | inline |
CheckTimer(SmartScriptHolder const &e) const | SmartScript | |
CounterMap typedef | SmartScript | |
CreateSmartEvent(SMART_EVENT e, uint32 event_flags, uint32 event_param1, uint32 event_param2, uint32 event_param3, uint32 event_param4, uint32 event_param5, uint32 event_param6, SMART_ACTION action, uint32 action_param1, uint32 action_param2, uint32 action_param3, uint32 action_param4, uint32 action_param5, uint32 action_param6, SMARTAI_TARGETS t, uint32 target_param1, uint32 target_param2, uint32 target_param3, uint32 target_param4, uint32 phaseMask) | SmartScript | static |
DecPhase(uint32 p) | SmartScript | private |
DoFindClosestFriendlyInRange(float range, bool playerOnly) const | SmartScript | |
DoFindFriendlyCC(std::vector< Creature * > &creatures, float range) const | SmartScript | |
DoFindFriendlyMissingBuff(std::vector< Creature * > &creatures, float range, uint32 spellid) const | SmartScript | |
DoSelectLowestHpFriendly(float range, uint32 MinHPDiff) const | SmartScript | |
DoSelectLowestHpPercentFriendly(float range, uint32 minHpPct, uint32 maxHpPct) const | SmartScript | |
FillScript(SmartAIEventList e, WorldObject *obj, AreaTrigger const *at) | SmartScript | |
FindCreatureNear(WorldObject *searchObject, ObjectGuid::LowType guid) const | SmartScript | inline |
FindGameObjectNear(WorldObject *searchObject, ObjectGuid::LowType guid) const | SmartScript | inline |
FindLinkedEvent(uint32 link) | SmartScript | inlineprivate |
GetBaseObject() const | SmartScript | inline |
GetCounterValue(uint32 id) | SmartScript | inline |
GetLastInvoker(WorldObject *invoker=nullptr) const | SmartScript | |
GetPathId() const | SmartScript | inline |
GetScript() | SmartScript | |
GetStoredTargetVector(uint32 id, WorldObject const &ref) const | SmartScript | inline |
GetTargets(ObjectVector &targets, SmartScriptHolder const &e, WorldObject *invoker=nullptr) const | SmartScript | |
GetWorldObjectsInDist(ObjectVector &objects, float dist) const | SmartScript | |
go | SmartScript | private |
goOrigGUID | SmartScript | private |
IncPhase(uint32 p) | SmartScript | private |
InitTimer(SmartScriptHolder &e) | SmartScript | static |
InstallEvents() | SmartScript | private |
InstallTemplate(SmartScriptHolder const &e) | SmartScript | |
IsCharmedCreature(WorldObject *obj) | SmartScript | static |
IsCreature(WorldObject *obj) | SmartScript | static |
IsGameObject(WorldObject *obj) | SmartScript | static |
IsInPhase(uint32 p) const | SmartScript | private |
IsPlayer(WorldObject *obj) | SmartScript | static |
isProcessingTimedActionList | SmartScript | private |
IsSmart(Creature *c, bool silent=false) const | SmartScript | |
IsSmart(GameObject *g, bool silent=false) const | SmartScript | |
IsSmart(bool silent=false) const | SmartScript | |
IsUnit(WorldObject *obj) | SmartScript | static |
mCounterList | SmartScript | |
mCurrentPriority | SmartScript | private |
me | SmartScript | private |
meOrigGUID | SmartScript | private |
mEventPhase | SmartScript | private |
mEvents | SmartScript | private |
mEventSortingRequired | SmartScript | private |
mInstallEvents | SmartScript | private |
mLastInvoker | SmartScript | |
mLastTextID | SmartScript | private |
mPathId | SmartScript | private |
mRemIDs | SmartScript | private |
mScriptType | SmartScript | private |
mStoredDecimals | SmartScript | private |
mStoredEvents | SmartScript | private |
mTalkerEntry | SmartScript | private |
mTemplate | SmartScript | private |
mTextTimer | SmartScript | private |
mTimedActionList | SmartScript | private |
mUseTextTimer | SmartScript | private |
OnInitialize(WorldObject *obj, AreaTrigger const *at=nullptr) | SmartScript | |
OnMoveInLineOfSight(Unit *who) | SmartScript | |
OnReset() | SmartScript | |
OnUpdate(const uint32 diff) | SmartScript | |
ProcessAction(SmartScriptHolder &e, Unit *unit=nullptr, uint32 var0=0, uint32 var1=0, bool bvar=false, SpellInfo const *spell=nullptr, GameObject *gob=nullptr) | SmartScript | |
ProcessEvent(SmartScriptHolder &e, Unit *unit=nullptr, uint32 var0=0, uint32 var1=0, bool bvar=false, SpellInfo const *spell=nullptr, GameObject *gob=nullptr) | SmartScript | |
ProcessEventsFor(SMART_EVENT e, Unit *unit=nullptr, uint32 var0=0, uint32 var1=0, bool bvar=false, SpellInfo const *spell=nullptr, GameObject *gob=nullptr) | SmartScript | |
ProcessTimedAction(SmartScriptHolder &e, uint32 const &min, uint32 const &max, Unit *unit=nullptr, uint32 var0=0, uint32 var1=0, bool bvar=false, SpellInfo const *spell=nullptr, GameObject *gob=nullptr) | SmartScript | |
RaisePriority(SmartScriptHolder &e) | SmartScript | private |
RecalcTimer(SmartScriptHolder &e, uint32 min, uint32 max) | SmartScript | static |
RemoveCreatureSummon(ObjectGuid const &guid) | SmartScript | |
RemoveStoredEvent(uint32 id) | SmartScript | inlineprivate |
ResetBaseObject() | SmartScript | inline |
RetryLater(SmartScriptHolder &e, bool ignoreChanceRoll=false) | SmartScript | private |
SetPathId(uint32 id) | SmartScript | inline |
SetPhase(uint32 p) | SmartScript | private |
SetPhaseReset(bool allow) | SmartScript | inline |
SetScript9(SmartScriptHolder &e, uint32 entry) | SmartScript | |
SmartScript() | SmartScript | |
SortEvents(SmartAIEventList &events) | SmartScript | private |
StoreCounter(uint32 id, uint32 value, uint32 reset, uint32 subtract) | SmartScript | inline |
StoreTargetList(ObjectVector const &targets, uint32 id) | SmartScript | inline |
trigger | SmartScript | private |
UpdateTimer(SmartScriptHolder &e, uint32 const diff) | SmartScript | |
~SmartScript() | SmartScript |