AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for InstanceMap, including all inherited members.
_corpseBones | Map | private |
_corpsesByCell | Map | private |
_corpsesByPlayer | Map | private |
_creatureBySpawnIdStore | Map | private |
_creatureRespawnScheduler | Map | |
_creatureRespawnTimes | Map | private |
_creaturesToMove | Map | private |
_defaultLight | Map | private |
_dynamicObjectsToMove | Map | private |
_dynamicTree | Map | protected |
_FindGameObject(WorldObject *pWorldObject, ObjectGuid::LowType guid) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_gameobjectBySpawnIdStore | Map | private |
_gameObjectsToMove | Map | private |
_GetScriptCreature(Object *obj, bool isSource, const ScriptInfo *scriptInfo) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_GetScriptCreatureSourceOrTarget(Object *source, Object *target, const ScriptInfo *scriptInfo, bool bReverse=false) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_GetScriptPlayer(Object *obj, bool isSource, const ScriptInfo *scriptInfo) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_GetScriptPlayerSourceOrTarget(Object *source, Object *target, const ScriptInfo *scriptInfo) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_GetScriptUnit(Object *obj, bool isSource, const ScriptInfo *scriptInfo) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_GetScriptWorldObject(Object *obj, bool isSource, const ScriptInfo *scriptInfo) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_goRespawnTimes | Map | private |
_guidGenerators | Map | private |
_instanceResetPeriod | Map | protected |
_objectsStore | Map | private |
_ScriptProcessDoor(Object *source, Object *target, const ScriptInfo *scriptInfo) const | Map | inlineprivate |
_transports | Map | protected |
_transportsUpdateIter | Map | protected |
_updateObjects | Map | private |
_zoneDynamicInfo | Map | private |
ActiveNonPlayers typedef | Map | protected |
AddCorpse(Corpse *corpse) | Map | |
AddCreatureToMoveList(Creature *c) | Map | private |
AddDynamicObjectToMoveList(DynamicObject *go) | Map | private |
AddGameObjectToMoveList(GameObject *go) | Map | private |
AddObjectToRemoveList(WorldObject *obj) | Map | |
AddObjectToSwitchList(WorldObject *obj, bool on) | Map | |
AddPlayerToMap(Player *) override | InstanceMap | virtual |
AddToActive(T *obj) | Map | |
AddToActive(Creature *c) | Map | |
AddToActive(DynamicObject *d) | Map | |
AddToActive(GameObject *d) | Map | |
AddToActiveHelper(WorldObject *obj) | Map | inlineprivate |
AddToGrid(T *object, Cell const &cell) | Map | private |
AddToGrid(Creature *obj, Cell const &cell) | Map | |
AddToGrid(GameObject *obj, Cell const &cell) | Map | |
AddToGrid(DynamicObject *obj, Cell const &cell) | Map | |
AddToGrid(Corpse *obj, Cell const &cell) | Map | |
AddToMap(T *, bool checkTransport=false) | Map | |
AddToMap(MotionTransport *obj, bool) | Map | |
AddUpdateObject(Object *obj) | Map | inline |
AddWorldObject(WorldObject *obj) | Map | inline |
AfterPlayerUnlinkFromMap() override | InstanceMap | virtual |
AllTransportsEmpty() const | Map | |
AllTransportsRemovePassengers() | Map | |
Balance() | Map | inline |
begin() | GridRefMgr< NGridType > | inline |
buildNGridLinkage(NGridType *pNGridType) | Map | inlineprivate |
CAN_ENTER enum value | Map | |
CANNOT_ENTER_ALREADY_IN_MAP enum value | Map | |
CANNOT_ENTER_MAX_PLAYERS enum value | Map | |
CANNOT_ENTER_NO_ENTRY enum value | Map | |
CANNOT_ENTER_NOT_IN_RAID enum value | Map | |
CANNOT_ENTER_ZONE_IN_COMBAT enum value | Map | |
CannotEnter(Player *player, bool loginCheck=false) override | InstanceMap | virtual |
CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords(WorldObject const *source, PathGenerator *path, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const | Map | |
CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords(WorldObject const *source, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const | Map | |
CanReachPositionAndGetValidCoords(WorldObject const *source, float startX, float startY, float startZ, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true, bool failOnSlopes=true) const | Map | |
CanUnload(uint32 diff) | Map | inline |
CheckCollisionAndGetValidCoords(WorldObject const *source, float startX, float startY, float startZ, float &destX, float &destY, float &destZ, bool failOnCollision=true) const | Map | |
clearReferences() | RefMgr< TO, FROM > | inline |
ContainsGameObjectModel(const GameObjectModel &model) const | Map | inline |
ConvertCorpseToBones(ObjectGuid const ownerGuid, bool insignia=false) | Map | |
CreateInstanceScript(bool load, std::string data, uint32 completedEncounterMask) | InstanceMap | |
CreatureBySpawnIdContainer typedef | Map | |
CreatureGroupHolder | Map | |
CreatureRelocation(Creature *creature, float x, float y, float z, float o) | Map | |
CustomData | Map | |
decSize() | LinkedListHead | inline |
DelayedUpdate(const uint32 diff) | Map | virtual |
DeleteCorpseData() | Map | |
DeleteFromWorld(T *) | Map | private |
DeleteFromWorld(Player *player) | Map | |
DeleteRespawnTimes() | Map | |
DeleteRespawnTimesInDB(uint16 mapId, uint32 instanceId) | Map | static |
DoForAllPlayers(std::function< void(Player *)> exec) | Map | |
DynamicObjectRelocation(DynamicObject *go, float x, float y, float z, float o) | Map | |
end() | GridRefMgr< NGridType > | inline |
EnsureGridCreated(const GridCoord &) | Map | |
EnsureGridCreated_i(const GridCoord &) | Map | private |
EnsureGridLoaded(Cell const &) | Map | private |
EnterState enum name | Map | |
ExistMap(uint32 mapid, int gx, int gy) | Map | static |
ExistVMap(uint32 mapid, int gx, int gy) | Map | static |
GameObjectBySpawnIdContainer typedef | Map | |
GameObjectRelocation(GameObject *go, float x, float y, float z, float o) | Map | |
GenerateLowGuid() | Map | inline |
GetActiveNonPlayersCount() const | Map | inline |
GetAllTransports() const | Map | inline |
GetAreaId(uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z) const | Map | |
GetAreaInfo(uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, uint32 &mogpflags, int32 &adtId, int32 &rootId, int32 &groupId) const | Map | |
GetCorpse(ObjectGuid const guid) | Map | |
GetCorpseByPlayer(ObjectGuid const &ownerGuid) const | Map | inline |
GetCorpsesInCell(uint32 cellId) const | Map | inline |
GetCreature(ObjectGuid const guid) | Map | |
GetCreatureBySpawnIdStore() | Map | inline |
GetCreatureRespawnTime(ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) const | Map | inline |
GetDebugInfo() const override | InstanceMap | virtual |
GetDifficulty() const | Map | inline |
GetDynamicMapTree() const | Map | inline |
GetDynamicObject(ObjectGuid const guid) | Map | |
GetEntrancePos(int32 &mapid, float &x, float &y) | Map | inline |
GetEntry() const | Map | inline |
getFirst() | GridRefMgr< NGridType > | inline |
RefMgr::getFirst() const | RefMgr< TO, FROM > | inline |
GetFullTerrainStatusForPosition(uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight, PositionFullTerrainStatus &data, uint8 reqLiquidType=MAP_ALL_LIQUIDS) | Map | |
GetGameObject(ObjectGuid const guid) | Map | |
GetGameObjectBySpawnIdStore() | Map | inline |
GetGameObjectFloor(uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const | Map | inline |
GetGORespawnTime(ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) const | Map | inline |
GetGrid(float x, float y) | Map | |
GetGridHeight(float x, float y) const | Map | |
GetGuidSequenceGenerator() | Map | inlineprivate |
GetHeight(float x, float y, float z, bool checkVMap=true, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const | Map | |
GetHeight(uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, bool vmap=true, float maxSearchDist=DEFAULT_HEIGHT_SEARCH) const | Map | |
GetId() const | Map | inline |
GetInstanceId() const | Map | inline |
GetInstanceResetPeriod() const | Map | inline |
GetInstanceScript() | InstanceMap | inline |
GetInstanceScript() const | InstanceMap | inline |
getLast() | GridRefMgr< NGridType > | inline |
RefMgr::getLast() const | RefMgr< TO, FROM > | inline |
GetLinkedRespawnTime(ObjectGuid guid) const | Map | |
GetLiquidData(uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight, uint8 ReqLiquidType) | Map | |
GetMapDifficulty() const | Map | |
GetMapName() const | Map | |
GetMaxPlayers() const | InstanceMap | |
GetMaxResetDelay() const | InstanceMap | |
GetMinHeight(float x, float y) const | Map | |
GetMMapLock() const | Map | inline |
getNGrid(uint32 x, uint32 y) const | Map | inlineprivate |
GetObjectHitPos(uint32 phasemask, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, float &rx, float &ry, float &rz, float modifyDist) | Map | |
GetObjectsStore() | Map | inline |
GetParent() const | Map | inline |
GetPet(ObjectGuid const guid) | Map | |
GetPlayers() const | Map | inline |
GetPlayersCountExceptGMs() const | Map | |
GetScriptId() const | InstanceMap | inline |
GetScriptName() const | InstanceMap | |
getSize() const | LinkedListHead | inline |
GetSpawnMode() const | Map | inline |
GetTransport(ObjectGuid const guid) | Map | |
GetTransportForPos(uint32 phase, float x, float y, float z, WorldObject *worldobject=nullptr) | Map | |
GetVisibilityRange() const | Map | inline |
GetWaterLevel(float x, float y) const | Map | |
GetWaterOrGroundLevel(uint32 phasemask, float x, float y, float z, float *ground=nullptr, bool swim=false, float collisionHeight=DEFAULT_COLLISION_HEIGHT) const | Map | |
GetZoneAndAreaId(uint32 phaseMask, uint32 &zoneid, uint32 &areaid, float x, float y, float z) const | Map | |
GetZoneId(uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z) const | Map | |
GridLock | Map | protected |
GridMaps | Map | private |
HandleDelayedVisibility() | Map | |
HasEnoughWater(WorldObject const *searcher, float x, float y, float z) const | Map | |
HasEnoughWater(WorldObject const *searcher, LiquidData const &liquidData) const | Map | |
HavePlayers() const | Map | inline |
i_grids | Map | private |
i_InstanceId | Map | protected |
i_mapEntry | Map | protected |
i_objectsForDelayedVisibility | Map | |
i_objectsToRemove | Map | private |
i_objectsToSwitch | Map | private |
i_script_id | InstanceMap | private |
i_scriptLock | Map | private |
i_spawnMode | Map | protected |
i_worldObjects | Map | private |
iFirst | LinkedListHead | private |
iLast | LinkedListHead | private |
incSize() | LinkedListHead | inline |
InitializeObject(T *obj) | Map | private |
InitializeObject(Creature *) | Map | |
InitializeObject(GameObject *) | Map | |
InitVisibilityDistance() override | InstanceMap | virtual |
insertFirst(LinkedListElement *pElem) | LinkedListHead | inline |
InsertGameObjectModel(const GameObjectModel &model) | Map | inline |
insertLast(LinkedListElement *pElem) | LinkedListHead | inline |
instance_data | InstanceMap | private |
Instanceable() const | Map | inline |
InstanceMap(uint32 id, uint32 InstanceId, uint8 SpawnMode, Map *_parent) | InstanceMap | |
Is25ManRaid() const | Map | inline |
IsBattleArena() const | Map | inline |
IsBattleground() const | Map | inline |
IsBattlegroundOrArena() const | Map | inline |
isCellMarked(uint32 pCellId) | Map | inline |
isCellMarkedLarge(uint32 pCellId) | Map | inline |
IsDungeon() const | Map | inline |
IsEmpty() const | LinkedListHead | inline |
IsGridLoaded(float x, float y) const | Map | inline |
IsGridLoaded(const GridCoord &) const | Map | private |
isGridObjectDataLoaded(uint32 x, uint32 y) const | Map | inlineprivate |
IsHeroic() const | Map | inline |
isInLineOfSight(float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, uint32 phasemask, LineOfSightChecks checks, VMAP::ModelIgnoreFlags ignoreFlags) const | Map | |
IsInWater(uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight) const | Map | |
iSize | LinkedListHead | private |
IsNonRaidDungeon() const | Map | inline |
IsRaid() const | Map | inline |
IsRaidOrHeroicDungeon() const | Map | inline |
IsRegularDifficulty() const | Map | inline |
IsRemovalGrid(float x, float y) const | Map | inline |
IsUnderWater(uint32 phaseMask, float x, float y, float z, float collisionHeight) const | Map | |
IsWorldMap() const | Map | inline |
iterator typedef | GridRefMgr< NGridType > | |
LinkedListHead() | LinkedListHead | inline |
LoadAllCells() | Map | |
LoadCorpseData() | Map | |
LoadGrid(float x, float y) | Map | |
LoadMap(int gx, int gy, bool reload=false) | Map | private |
LoadMapAndVMap(int gx, int gy) | Map | private |
LoadMMap(int gx, int gy) | Map | private |
LoadRespawnTimes() | Map | |
LoadVMap(int gx, int gy) | Map | private |
Lock | Map | protected |
LogEncounterFinished(EncounterCreditType type, uint32 creditEntry) | Map | |
m_activeNonPlayers | Map | protected |
m_activeNonPlayersIter | Map | protected |
m_mapRefIter | Map | protected |
m_mapRefMgr | Map | protected |
m_parentMap | Map | private |
m_resetAfterUnload | InstanceMap | private |
m_scriptSchedule | Map | private |
m_unloadTimer | Map | protected |
m_unloadWhenEmpty | InstanceMap | private |
m_VisibleDistance | Map | protected |
Map(uint32 id, uint32 InstanceId, uint8 SpawnMode, Map *_parent=nullptr) | Map | |
markCell(uint32 pCellId) | Map | inline |
markCellLarge(uint32 pCellId) | Map | inline |
marked_cells | Map | private |
marked_cells_large | Map | private |
MMapLock | Map | protected |
MoveAllCreaturesInMoveList() | Map | |
MoveAllDynamicObjectsInMoveList() | Map | |
MoveAllGameObjectsInMoveList() | Map | |
PermBindAllPlayers() | InstanceMap | |
PlayDirectSoundToMap(uint32 soundId, uint32 zoneId=0) | Map | |
PlayerList typedef | Map | |
PlayerRelocation(Player *, float x, float y, float z, float o) | Map | |
rbegin() | GridRefMgr< NGridType > | inline |
RefMgr()=default | RefMgr< TO, FROM > | |
RemoveAllObjectsInRemoveList() | Map | |
RemoveAllPlayers() | Map | virtual |
RemoveCorpse(Corpse *corpse) | Map | |
RemoveCreatureFromMoveList(Creature *c) | Map | private |
RemoveCreatureRespawnTime(ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) | Map | |
RemoveDynamicObjectFromMoveList(DynamicObject *go) | Map | private |
RemoveFromActive(T *obj) | Map | |
RemoveFromActive(Creature *c) | Map | |
RemoveFromActive(DynamicObject *obj) | Map | |
RemoveFromActive(GameObject *obj) | Map | |
RemoveFromActiveHelper(WorldObject *obj) | Map | inlineprivate |
RemoveFromMap(T *, bool) | Map | |
RemoveFromMap(MotionTransport *obj, bool remove) | Map | |
RemoveGameObjectFromMoveList(GameObject *go) | Map | private |
RemoveGameObjectModel(const GameObjectModel &model) | Map | inline |
RemoveGORespawnTime(ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid) | Map | |
RemoveOldCorpses() | Map | |
RemovePlayerFromMap(Player *, bool) override | InstanceMap | virtual |
RemoveUpdateObject(Object *obj) | Map | inline |
RemoveWorldObject(WorldObject *obj) | Map | inline |
rend() | GridRefMgr< NGridType > | inline |
Reset(uint8 method, GuidList *globalSkipList=nullptr) | InstanceMap | |
resetMarkedCells() | Map | inline |
resetMarkedCellsLarge() | Map | inline |
SaveCreatureRespawnTime(ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid, time_t &respawnTime) | Map | |
SaveGORespawnTime(ObjectGuid::LowType dbGuid, time_t &respawnTime) | Map | |
ScheduleCreatureRespawn(ObjectGuid, Milliseconds) | Map | |
ScriptCommandStart(ScriptInfo const &script, uint32 delay, Object *source, Object *target) | Map | |
ScriptScheduleMap typedef | Map | private |
ScriptsProcess() | Map | private |
ScriptsStart(std::map< uint32, std::multimap< uint32, ScriptInfo > > const &scripts, uint32 id, Object *source, Object *target) | Map | |
SendInitSelf(Player *player) | Map | |
SendInitTransports(Player *player) | Map | |
SendObjectUpdates() | Map | private |
SendRemoveTransports(Player *player) | Map | |
SendResetWarnings(uint32 timeLeft) const | InstanceMap | |
SendToPlayers(WorldPacket const *data) const | Map | |
SendZoneDynamicInfo(Player *player) | Map | |
setGridObjectDataLoaded(bool pLoaded, uint32 x, uint32 y) | Map | inlineprivate |
setNGrid(NGridType *grid, uint32 x, uint32 y) | Map | inlineprivate |
SetVisibilityRange(float range) | Map | inline |
SetZoneMusic(uint32 zoneId, uint32 musicId) | Map | |
SetZoneOverrideLight(uint32 zoneId, uint32 lightId, Milliseconds fadeInTime) | Map | |
SetZoneWeather(uint32 zoneId, WeatherState weatherId, float weatherGrade) | Map | |
SummonCreature(uint32 entry, Position const &pos, SummonPropertiesEntry const *properties=nullptr, uint32 duration=0, WorldObject *summoner=nullptr, uint32 spellId=0, uint32 vehId=0, bool visibleBySummonerOnly=false) | Map | |
SummonCreatureGroup(uint8 group, std::list< TempSummon * > *list=nullptr) | Map | |
SummonGameObject(uint32 entry, float x, float y, float z, float ang, float rotation0, float rotation1, float rotation2, float rotation3, uint32 respawnTime, bool checkTransport=true) | Map | |
SummonGameObject(uint32 entry, Position const &pos, float rotation0=0.0f, float rotation1=0.0f, float rotation2=0.0f, float rotation3=0.0f, uint32 respawnTime=100, bool checkTransport=true) | Map | |
SwitchGridContainers(T *obj, bool on) | Map | |
SwitchGridContainers(Creature *obj, bool on) | Map | |
SwitchGridContainers(GameObject *obj, bool on) | Map | |
ToBattlegroundMap() | Map | inline |
ToBattlegroundMap() const | Map | inline |
ToInstanceMap() | Map | inline |
ToInstanceMap() const | Map | inline |
ToMapInstanced() | Map | inline |
ToMapInstanced() const | Map | inline |
UnloadAll() override | InstanceMap | virtual |
UnloadGrid(NGridType &ngrid) | Map | |
Update(const uint32, const uint32, bool thread=true) override | InstanceMap | virtual |
UpdateActiveCells(const float &x, const float &y, const uint32 t_diff) | Map | private |
UpdateEncounterState(EncounterCreditType type, uint32 creditEntry, Unit *source) | Map | |
UpdateIteratorBack(Player *player) | Map | |
Visit(const Cell &cell, TypeContainerVisitor< T, CONTAINER > &visitor) | Map | inline |
VisitNearbyCellsOf(WorldObject *obj, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &gridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &worldVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &largeGridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &largeWorldVisitor) | Map | |
VisitNearbyCellsOfPlayer(Player *player, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &gridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &worldVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, GridTypeMapContainer > &largeGridVisitor, TypeContainerVisitor< Acore::ObjectUpdater, WorldTypeMapContainer > &largeWorldVisitor) | Map | |
~InstanceMap() override | InstanceMap | |
~Map() override | Map | |
~RefMgr() | RefMgr< TO, FROM > | inlinevirtual |