AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for lfg::LFGMgr, including all inherited members.
_LoadFromDB(Field *fields, ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
_SaveToDB(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
AddPlayerToGroup(ObjectGuid gguid, ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
AddProposal(LfgProposal &proposal) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
AllQueued(Lfg5Guids const &check) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
BootsStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
CachedDungeonMapStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
CheckGroupRoles(LfgRolesMap &groles, bool removeLeaderFlag=true) | lfg::LFGMgr | static |
Clean() | lfg::LFGMgr | |
ClearState(ObjectGuid guid, char const *debugMsg) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
DecreaseKicksLeft(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
FinishDungeon(ObjectGuid gguid, uint32 dungeonId, const Map *currMap) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetComment(ObjectGuid gguid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetCompatibleDungeons(LfgDungeonSet &dungeons, LfgGuidSet const &players, LfgLockPartyMap &lockMap) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
GetDungeon(ObjectGuid guid, bool asId=true) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetDungeonMapId(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetDungeonsByRandom(uint32 randomdungeon) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
GetDungeonType(uint32 dungeon) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
GetGroup(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetKicksLeft(ObjectGuid gguid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetLeader(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetLFGDungeon(uint32 id) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
GetLFGDungeonEntry(uint32 id) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetLfgStatus(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetLockedDungeons(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetOldState(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetOptions() | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetPlayerCount(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetPlayers(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
GetQueue(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
GetRandomAndSeasonalDungeons(uint8 level, uint8 expansion) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetRandomDungeonReward(uint32 dungeon, uint8 level) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetRandomPlayersCount(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetRoles(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetSelectedDungeons(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetState(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
GetTeam(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
GroupsStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
HasIgnore(ObjectGuid guid1, ObjectGuid guid2) | lfg::LFGMgr | static |
InitBoot(ObjectGuid gguid, ObjectGuid kicker, ObjectGuid victim, std::string const &reason) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
InitializeLockedDungeons(Player *player, Group const *group=nullptr) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
inLfgDungeonMap(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 map, Difficulty difficulty) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
instance() | lfg::LFGMgr | static |
IsLfgGroup(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
isOptionEnabled(uint32 option) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
IsSeasonActive(uint32 dungeonId) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
IsTesting() const | lfg::LFGMgr | inline |
JoinLfg(Player *player, uint8 roles, LfgDungeonSet &dungeons, std::string const &comment) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
JoinRaidBrowser(Player *player, uint8 roles, LfgDungeonSet &dungeons, std::string comment) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
lastProposalId | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
LeaveAllLfgQueues(ObjectGuid guid, bool allowgroup, ObjectGuid groupguid=ObjectGuid::Empty) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
LeaveLfg(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
LeaveRaidBrowser(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
LfgDungeonStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
LFGMgr() | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
LfrSearchAdd(Player *p, uint32 dungeonId) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
LfrSearchRemove(Player *p) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
LfrSetComment(Player *p, std::string comment) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
LoadLFGDungeons(bool reload=false) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
LoadRewards() | lfg::LFGMgr | |
m_lfgProposalId | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
m_options | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
m_raidBrowserLastUpdatedDungeonId | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
m_raidBrowserUpdateTimer | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
m_Testing | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
MakeNewGroup(LfgProposal const &proposal) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
PlayersStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
ProposalsStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
QueuesStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RaidBrowserStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBCacheMap typedef | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBCacheStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBEntryInfoMap typedef | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBInternalInfoMap typedef | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBInternalInfoMapMap typedef | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBInternalInfoStoreCurr | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBInternalInfoStorePrev | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBPacketAppendGroup(const RBInternalInfo &info, ByteBuffer &buffer) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
RBPacketAppendPlayer(const RBInternalInfo &info, ByteBuffer &buffer) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
RBPacketBuildDifference(WorldPacket &differencePacket, uint32 dungeonId, uint32 deletedCounter, ByteBuffer &buffer_deleted, uint32 groupCounter, ByteBuffer &buffer_groups, uint32 playerCounter, ByteBuffer &buffer_players) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
RBPacketBuildFull(WorldPacket &fullPacket, uint32 dungeonId, RBInternalInfoMap &infoMap) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
RBSearchersMap typedef | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBSearchersStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBStoreMap typedef | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBUsedDungeonsSet typedef | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RBUsedDungeonsStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RemoveGroupData(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
RemovePlayerFromGroup(ObjectGuid gguid, ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
RemoveProposal(LfgProposalContainer::iterator itProposal, LfgUpdateType type) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RestoreState(ObjectGuid guid, char const *debugMsg) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RewardMapStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
RoleChecksStore | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
selectedRandomLfgDungeon(ObjectGuid guid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SendLfgBootProposalUpdate(ObjectGuid guid, LfgPlayerBoot const &boot) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SendLfgJoinResult(ObjectGuid guid, LfgJoinResultData const &data) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SendLfgQueueStatus(ObjectGuid guid, LfgQueueStatusData const &data) | lfg::LFGMgr | static |
SendLfgRoleCheckUpdate(ObjectGuid guid, LfgRoleCheck const &roleCheck) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SendLfgRoleChosen(ObjectGuid guid, ObjectGuid pguid, uint8 roles) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SendLfgUpdateParty(ObjectGuid guid, LfgUpdateData const &data) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SendLfgUpdatePlayer(ObjectGuid guid, LfgUpdateData const &data) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SendLfgUpdateProposal(ObjectGuid guid, LfgProposal const &proposal) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SendRaidBrowserCachedList(Player *player, uint32 dungeonId) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SendRaidBrowserJoinedPacket(Player *p, LfgDungeonSet &dungeons, std::string comment) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetCanOverrideRBState(ObjectGuid guid, bool val) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SetComment(ObjectGuid guid, std::string const &comment) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetDungeon(ObjectGuid guid, uint32 dungeon) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetGroup(ObjectGuid guid, ObjectGuid group) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetLeader(ObjectGuid gguid, ObjectGuid leader) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetLockedDungeons(ObjectGuid guid, LfgLockMap const &lock) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SetOptions(uint32 options) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetRandomPlayersCount(ObjectGuid guid, uint8 count) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetRoles(ObjectGuid guid, uint8 roles) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetSelectedDungeons(ObjectGuid guid, LfgDungeonSet const &dungeons) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SetState(ObjectGuid guid, LfgState state) | lfg::LFGMgr | private |
SetTeam(ObjectGuid guid, TeamId teamId) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
SetupGroupMember(ObjectGuid guid, ObjectGuid gguid) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
TeleportPlayer(Player *player, bool out, WorldLocation const *teleportLocation=nullptr) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
ToggleTesting() | lfg::LFGMgr | |
Update(uint32 diff, uint8 task) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
UpdateBoot(ObjectGuid guid, bool accept) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
UpdateProposal(uint32 proposalId, ObjectGuid guid, bool accept) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
UpdateRaidBrowser(uint32 diff) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
UpdateRoleCheck(ObjectGuid gguid, ObjectGuid guid=ObjectGuid::Empty, uint8 roles=PLAYER_ROLE_NONE) | lfg::LFGMgr | |
~LFGMgr() | lfg::LFGMgr | private |