AzerothCore 3.3.5a
OpenSource WoW Emulator
This is the complete list of members for PetitionMgr, including all inherited members.
AddPetition(ObjectGuid petitionGUID, ObjectGuid ownerGuid, std::string const &name, uint8 type) | PetitionMgr | |
AddSignature(ObjectGuid petitionGUID, uint32 accountId, ObjectGuid playerGuid) | PetitionMgr | |
GetPetition(ObjectGuid petitionGUID) const | PetitionMgr | |
GetPetitionByOwnerWithType(ObjectGuid ownerGuid, uint8 type) const | PetitionMgr | |
GetPetitionStore() | PetitionMgr | inline |
GetSignature(ObjectGuid petitionGUID) const | PetitionMgr | |
GetSignatureStore() | PetitionMgr | inline |
instance() | PetitionMgr | static |
LoadPetitions() | PetitionMgr | |
LoadSignatures() | PetitionMgr | |
PetitionMgr() | PetitionMgr | private |
PetitionStore | PetitionMgr | protected |
RemovePetition(ObjectGuid petitionGUID) | PetitionMgr | |
RemovePetitionByOwnerAndType(ObjectGuid ownerGuid, uint8 type) | PetitionMgr | |
RemoveSignaturesByPlayer(ObjectGuid playerGuid) | PetitionMgr | |
RemoveSignaturesByPlayerAndType(ObjectGuid playerGuid, uint8 type) | PetitionMgr | |
SignatureStore | PetitionMgr | protected |
~PetitionMgr() | PetitionMgr | private |